This March, the English page of the City of Helsinki’s free home-delivered publication focuses on Helsinki’s vaccination effort, addressing many common questions and concerns. The page also looks at a new website in English that gives newcomers to the city key ‘inside information’ on their adopted hometown.
The first issue of this year’s Helsinki-lehti dives deep into the vaccination rollout in Helsinki, as highly infectious strains of covid-19 have once again shut down most of the metropolitan area. The hopes of area residents – and the world – now lie with the success of large-scale public vaccination efforts.
Healthcare professionals in Helsinki started distributing vaccines to the public in February. As supply allows, they have been vaccinating healthcare workers, care home residents and other elderly inhabitants of the city. As of 10 March, 97 per cent of Helsinki residents over the age of 85 were already fully vaccinated. Find more information on page 24 of the March issue.
Next, the ‘In English’ page looks at a new website from the city that hopes to make relocating to Helsinki a lot easier. Written by English-speaking city employees who once arrived in Helsinki as newcomers themselves, welcome.helsinki provides clear and contextualised information about the process of moving to Helsinki from abroad. It offers ‘inside tips’ for how to handle everything from official registrations to daycare arrangements.
In order to be as easy-to-use as possible, the welcome.helsinki website contains several step-by-step guides and checklists. The site’s six sections focus on moving and municipal services, working life and free time, housing, schools, healthcare, and getting around the city. Even people who moved to Helsinki years ago may find something new, as welcome.helsinki is bursting with links to many helpful services.
The page in English also highlights a few great ideas for safe activities during this strange time. First, it points out a great source for ideas when it comes to outdoor activities in the city. Second, readers are pointed to free online language cafes, arranged by the city’s network of libraries. Here, newcomers to Helsinki can practice their Finnish or Swedish skills and meet new friends in a relaxed environment.
Lastly, the page looks at another new city website that encourages resident participation. If you’ve got a lot of extra time on your hands these days, put it to good use! Defend causes that mean a lot to you and make your voice heard. The osallistu.helsinki website is available in Finnish, Swedish and English, and contains dozens of ideas for ways in which you can make a difference in Helsinki by getting involved.
The Helsinki-lehti publication will be delivered to every Helsinki home three times in 2021. Make sure to read the English page as soon as it arrives in your post box. You can also find an accessible link to the digital version below.
Read more:
Helsinki-lehti(Link leads to external service)
welcome.helsinki(Link leads to external service)
osallistu.helsinki(Link leads to external service)
Photo: Virpi Velin