Young people discussed Vuosaari's strengths and safety at Vuotalo

On 27 January, young people from Vuosaari met at Vuotalo to discuss safety in their area, non-discrimination and what makes Vuosaari a good place to live and go to school. The discussion was a follow-up to a survey tailored for young people in the Vuosaari district vision, to which 461 young people responded.
Young people discussed Vuosaari's strengths and safety at Vuotalo. Photo: Suvi-Tuuli Kankaanpää
Young people discussed Vuosaari's strengths and safety at Vuotalo. Photo: Suvi-Tuuli Kankaanpää Photo: Suvi-Tuuli Kankaanpää

Important findings emerged from the survey: more than half of young people said they had experienced or witnessed discrimination or racism in Vuosaari. These results are in line with the latest THL school health survey, which reveals that a significant proportion of young people have had unpleasant encounters with adults in their free time. These unpleasant experiences include encounters with intoxicated adults or experiences of inappropriate or racist treatment.

While many young people have experienced or perceived racism, the THL school health survey also revealed that the majority of children and young people feel that they have friends and that skin colour, religion or ethnic origin is not a significant factor in their friendships. Also, according to respondents to the District Vision survey, more than 70% of young people in Vuosaari considered Vuosaari a good place to live and go to school.

Youth vision: a safe, diverse and community-based Vuosaari

During the event, young people discussed in small groups the results of the surveys and their own experiences of safety and comfort. At the end of the discussions, the small groups wrote down observations on which the group agreed.

The discussions took place in the Vuotalo library, and in the premises of the Helsinki Finnish Adult Education Centre.

-One of the main goals of our libraries is to defend democracy, freedom of expression and sustainable development, and it is therefore important that young people also have the opportunity to discuss and influence how best to implement regional democracy, a safe neighbourhood and services suitable for young people, both in the library and in the Vuosaari area. The Vuosaari Library and Vuotalo want to provide a safe place for young people in Vuosaari to meet and produce together with young people cultural and educational services that are relevant to them, says Heli Kolehmainen, Library Director.

A number of young people's wishes and concerns were raised during the event.

Young people stressed the importance of nature for their well-being. Being in nature is calming and also promotes well-being. They also agreed that adults have a responsibility to create safety by helping and addressing insecurities. The same space can be safe and unsafe, for example, pleasant parks are nice during the day, while at dusk it can feel unsafe to walk around. Young people also shared experiences that insecurity is not necessarily always about themselves, but about a friend, who can also feel just as bad. They also stressed that working together can do a lot of good and reduce feelings of insecurity.

High school students Ravin Ali Mohammed, Ella Hegg and Josefiina Lehtonen shared their impressions of the workshops. What were the high school students' impressions of the day's workshop?

-I'm learning about things that I haven't experienced myself. In the small group, everyone spoke from their own point of view and everyone had their views heard, says Ravin.

-High school is more collaborative, which creates hope for the future, emphasises Ella.

-These themes, safety and comfort are important to young people. I better understood the interface between primary and upper secondary school and how different experiences young people have at different school levels, says Josefiina.

When asked what the future of Vuosaari looks like, the young people could describe it in one word: SUPERGREAT!

-Focus on identity and attachment to the community and society around them is important to maintain and strengthen children's and young people's confidence in the future. The practice of collective action, or influencing, is best achieved by doing, and participation in the debate provided one way for young people to influence the future of their local environment. By doing so, young people are active actors rather than passive recipients," says Pertti Tossavainen, principal of the Puistokoulu Primary School.  

As part of a wider vision work

Vuosaari has grown strongly in recent years and was voted District of the Year in 2017, and the Vuosaari District Vision has given residents the opportunity to reflect on the future of their area.

The results of the city vision will be compiled into a report that can serve both as a tool for influence and as a source of new insights. It will be published in 2025.

-Vuosaari is a truly dynamic district and home to 40 000 people. So it is the size of a small Finnish city. In working on the neighbourhood vision, one thing has become abundantly clear: the residents want to influence what Vuosaari will look, feel and sound like in the future, says Johannes Jauhiainen, Borough liaison from the City of Helsinki, who chaired the discussion.


Ravin Ali Mohammed, Ella Hegg ja Josefiina Lehtonen keskustelivat Vuosaaren vahvuuksista ja turvallisuudesta. Kuva: Gurman Saini
Ravin Ali Mohammed, Ella Hegg and Josefiina Lehtonen discussed Vuosaari's strengths and security. Photo: Gurman Saini