For education professionals

Come work with us! Read more about job opportunities at Helsinki Education Division.

Open jobs

Lapsi vaaleanpunaisen taustan edessä.
Image: Sara Lehtomaa

Is Helsinki your next playground?

Play is at the core of everything we do. Take a look at special needs teacher in early childhood education Yaiza's workday in Helsinki!

Päiväkodin lapsia nurmikolla
Photo: Maija Astikainen

Who are we?

The City of Helsinki is the largest employer in Finland. We have over 37,000 professionals in four divisions and the City’s central administration. Together, we provide local residents with high-quality services and build the foundation for good living in Helsinki.  

Around 15,000 education professionals work within the Education Division. We work in early childhood education (age 0–5) and pre-primary education (age 5 and 6), basic education (age 7–15), and in vocational schools, general upper secondary schools, adult education centres, as well as in the division administration.

Woman with binoculars in the nature
Photo: Jussi Hellsten

Work experience and professional education

Gaining work experience

If you are a customer at the  TE Office (Employment and Economic Development Office), you can enquire about work trials and pay subsidies to support your employment in daycare centres or schools. 
More information on TE Office's website(Link leads to external service)

Learn more about registering as a job seeker in Finland(Link leads to external service)  and browse vacancies(Link leads to external service)

See also Finding a job in Helsinki(Link leads to external service)

Professional development 

A child carer with sufficient language proficiency who is working on a temporary basis at the City of Helsinki may also apply for apprenticeshi(Link leads to external service) to become qualified early childhood education carer for a permanent contract. 

Girl in front of yellow background
Photo: Sara Lehtomaa

Contact us

Our recruitment team is happy to help you with questions regarding job search. Email us, we are here for you: opens default mail program)