Good to know about applying

Helsinki wants to be a city where people can realise their full potential, create opportunities and seize them. The City of Helsinki actively promotes equality and non-discrimination and values the diversity of its personnel. We would like applicants to be people of different ages and genders, as well as people belonging to linguistic, cultural or other minorities.

How to apply

Our divisions and municipal enterprises recruit employees independently, and all of our recruitment measures are guided by the City of Helsinki’s shared instructions and rules as well as the applicable legislation.

  1. 1. Learn about open jobs

    We list all vacancies on the Open jobs website. Each job advertisement provides the basic information about the job and recruitment schedule. More information on the position is available from the contact person specified in the job advertisement, who is usually the supervisor in charge of recruitment.

  2. 2. Once you have submitted the application

    At the end of the application period, we will invite some of the applicants to a job interview. We will indicate in the job advertisement if the selection process involves group or video interviews in addition to the personal interview. We notify all applicants of the application results.

  3. 3. If you are selected

    When you are informed about being selected for the job, your future supervisor will agree with you on important matters related to the work, such as start date, pay, trial period and orientation. We always prepare written employment contracts. Officeholders receive an appointment to office. The oral agreement will be valid until a written contract has been prepared.

  4. 4. If you are not selected

    If you are not selected this time, do not get discouraged. We receive many good applications for most of our vacancies, but we can usually only pick one recruit. Next time, you may very well be the one we choose.

Teammates having conversation next to round table
Photo: Jussi Hellsten

Our recruitment practices

Information on our recruitment practices, such as application times and additional details required from applicants, is listed below.

Kaksi ryhmäkodin asukasta ja ohjaaja valmistavat voileipiä pöydän ääressä.
Group home residents preparing sandwiches. Photo: Jussi Hellsten Photo: Jussi Hellsten

Frequently Asked Questions about the recruitment system

Kaksi ihmistä keskustelevat tietokoneen äärellä.
Photo: Jussi Hellsten

Contact information for recruitment

Our divisions and public enterprises have independent recruitment processes. The contact information for unit-specific recruitment can be found below.