Election events for which you need a permit
You must seek the City’s permission to organise an election event if it restricts the public use of the location. For example, you will need permission if you intend to hold your event on the street, at a marketplace or in a park and you want to have marquees, tables, chairs, stages, fences or other structures at the venue. The City will grant you the right to use a public area for an election event free of charge. You must comply with the rules for using a public area for an election event and the general terms for outdoor events (PDF, in Finnish) .
Election events for which you do not need a permit
You may hold a short election event without applying for a permit at the following locations of the city centre: Narinkkatori , Kolmensepänaukio, Asema-aukio’s section B, Keskuskatu’s seasonal sales locations .
Please note that there is no vehicle access to Keskuskatu.
Outside the city centre, you may hold a short election event in areas managed by the Urban Environment Division’s Land Use Unit without applying for permission. See the map of the city centre (the rest of the area is considered to be outside the city centre).
Election events that do not require a permit must be held between 22 May and 9 June 2024.
Please note the following restrictions:
- You may not use lawns or other soft surfaces.
- The maximum duration of an election event is four hours per area (with the exception of Narinkkatori).
- You may use light structures of approximately 10 m² in size or a vehicle that serves as an information desk at your event.
- You must comply with the rules for using a public area for an election event and the general terms for outdoor events (PDF, in Finnish) .
Good to know about election events
- You can hold a campaign speech event in a public area between 6:00 and 21:00.
- You may play a recorded speech programme only if the speaker is present. A speech programme may last for up to two hours per location.
- Amplify sound only as much as is necessary based on the size of the audience, so that the sounds do not carry too far.
- Leave the location clean after use and take all the rubbish with you.
- You may hand out flyers and balloons at your campaign event. You can use a TV or video screen without sound effects or commercial advertising.
- A campaign speech event organiser may use a roll-up banner stand or an A frame, or other similar equipment. The event organiser must be present in person and the area must be cleared immediately after the event has ended.
- Do not park vehicles in a park area or on a lawn or other soft surface.
- Do not organise campaign advertising on the Senate Square.
- Do not advertise or sell products unrelated to the election.
- Set up your campaign speech event in such a way that it cannot be seen or heard at an advance polling station or polling station. Also, do not set up the event near these places in such a way that it could be considered to affect the voters’ electoral freedom.
- The event must not disrupt or interfere with any other event in the area.
- If the number of applicants exceeds the available space at a location, the spaces are allocated by drawing lots, unless the applicants can reach an agreement.
- Ensure accessibility in the area of the election event. Do not use roadways or areas designated for cycling and do not disturb traffic.
- Also comply with the general terms for outdoor events (PDF, in Finnish) .
The period of use of election information points: from 22 May to 9 June 2024 (construction starts on 21 May 2024, dismantling ends on 10 June 2024).
Narinkkatori has been reserved for election information events and any fixed information points. You can apply for permission to have a fixed election information point by using the application form (PDF, in Finnish) . Send the completed application to ulkoilma@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program) for a leasing decision by 16 May 2024. In your application, please indicate the type and dimensions of the information point (e.g. container or camper van / estimated length/width/height). The exact location of the election information points in Narinkkatori will be agreed upon between the participants in Narinkkatori on 17 May 2024 at 14:00.
Restrictions on use: The City will grant permission to set up a fixed election information point (stall, camper van, etc.) free of charge from one week before the start of advance voting until the evening of the election day. You may display party and election materials at and in front of the election information points, and you must clean up the area around the information point every day. Otherwise, you must comply with the rules for using a public area for an election event. Also, you must comply with the general terms for outdoor events (PDF, in Finnish) . The free permit only covers the use of the land, with the permit holder bearing the costs of any electricity, waste management, etc.
Fill in the permit application for a fixed election information point (PDF, in Finnish)
The office of the Central Municipal Election Board will inform the polling representatives of the groups and constituency associations nominating candidates of the practical arrangements for the election advertising stands once the list of candidates has been finalised.
Stara is responsible for the setup and maintenance of the advertising stands. Each group or constituency association that has nominated candidates can purchase an advertisement installation and maintenance service from Stara. Read more on the Stara web pages(Link leads to external service) under Election advertising on the streets.
In matters related to the installation of election advertising stands, any damage to them and other similar issues, please contact Stara by phone on +358 9 310 23040 or by email at stara.vaalimainonta@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program) .
The Urban Environment Division’s Land Use and Monitoring Unit has reserved bridge advertisement spots for groups and constituency associations nominating candidates for campaign advertising and will hold a leasing event once the list of candidates is confirmed. The bridge advertisement spots can be leased by groups and constituency associations nominating candidates for the elections, who can then distribute or sub-lease them to the election candidates.
Advertising period from 22 May to 9 June 2024, leasing event on 14 May 2024 at 14:00, registration by email to ulkoilma(a)hel.fi by 14:00 on 13 May 2024.
- The price of one bridge advertisement spot for the period from 22 May to 9 June 2024 (19 days) is €407.14 + VAT 24%.
The leasing events will be held at Työpajankatu 8, 00580 Helsinki. One representative from each group or constituency association nominating candidates for the elections is welcome to attend the event, provided that they have registered in advance. The bridge advertisement spots will be leased out to the groups represented at the event. However, if some of the spots are not leased out at the event, they may be leased to others. Enquiries may be sent by email to ulkoilma@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program) .
More information on bridge advertising , subject to change. Contrary to the additional conditions for bridge advertisement spots (the rules on banners), a bridge advertisement may be placed no earlier than the beginning of the lease period, starting at 00:01.
- You will need permission from the Culture and Leisure Division to hold an election event on a public beach, at a sports field or in a sports park.
- You will need permission from Helsinki City Premises Ltd(Link leads to external service) to hold an election event at a marketplace where market sales take place.
- You will need permission from the Port of Helsinki(Link leads to external service) to hold an election event in a harbour area.
- You will need permission from Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd(Link leads to external service) to hold an election event at a metro station.
- You will need permission from the property owner or occupant to hold an election event on private property, such as in a shopping centre.
Contact information
If you have any questions, see the PDF file for more detailed contact information and contact the inspectors of the Urban Environment Division’s Land Use and Monitoring Unit. You can contact them by phone on weekdays at 10:00–11:30. You can also send email to ulkoilma@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program) .
The Land Use and Monitoring Unit (PDF, in Finnish)
Contact information in the Map Service (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)