Environmental permit and notifications

Actions or operations that may cause environmental pollution or the risk of it require a permit.

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The scope of the activity and its impacts dictate whether an environmental permit is needed or whether submitting a notification or registering the operations is sufficient. Before submitting your application, contact the City of Helsinki's Environmental Services to find out what kinds of permits your operations require.

Environmental permit

Your operations require an environmental permit if they may cause a health hazard or notable environmental pollution or the risk of it. These operations apply toe.g. professional waste processing and many industrial food facilities. Activities requiring an environmental permit are listed in the Environmental Protection Act (527/2014).

The environmental permit may state some regulations about the scope of the operations or their emissions and reducing them. Operations requiring a permit can usually only be started when the permit has come into force.

Depending on the nature and scope of the operations, environmental permits in Helsinki are granted by the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland or the Environment and Permits Sub-committee of the Helsinki Urban Environment Committee. Environmental Services prepare permit matters for processing by the Environment and Permits Sub-committee.

We will charge a fee for processing the environmental permit application.

Processing time

Processing time is around eight months.

Additional information

You can ask the Environmental Services for more information by sending an email to kymp.ymparistovalvonta@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program) .


Use the online service

Apply for an environmental permit from the Helsinki Environmental Services

Requires authentication.

Reporting procedure following the Environmental Protection Act

Certain activities causing only minor environmental impacts do not require an environmental permit, but you must submit a general notification of such operations in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act. Activities requiring a notification are listed in the Environmental Protection Act (527/2014).

The notification must be submitted at least 120 days before starting the operations. We may issue some regulations pertaining to the operations in the decision.

Submit a notification to the Helsinki Environmental Services via Lupapiste.

We will charge a fee for processing the application in accordance with the environmental protection authority's valid price list.

Additional information

You can ask the Environmental Services for more information by sending an email to kymp.ymparistovalvonta@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program) .

Use the online service

Notification in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act

Requires authentication.

Registering in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act

Fuel distribution stations, asphalt stations, small combustion plants, chemical laundries, plants using certain organic solvents, and concrete stations shall be exempted from the environmental permit procedures if they meet the requirements laid down for their operations in the regulations. Instead of applying for an environmental permit, you should submit a notification to register your operations. The notification must be submitted at least 90 days before starting the operations. You can start your operations when you receive the confirmation that your operations have been registered. Submit a registration notification to the Helsinki Environmental Services via Lupapiste.

We will charge a fee for processing the application in accordance with the environmental protection authority's valid price list.

Additional information

You can ask the Environmental Services for more information by sending an email to kymp.ymparistovalvonta@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program) .

Use the online service

Registering in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act

Requires authentication.

Notification of professional waste collection

Submit a notification of professional waste carrying or transport well in advance before commencing the operations to be registered in the waste management register. Before submitting your notification, contact the City of Helsinki's Environmental Services to find out whether the operations require an environmental permit. Submit a notification to the Environmental Services via the Lupapiste service.

We will charge a fee for processing the application in accordance with the environmental protection authority's valid price list.

Additional information

You can ask the Environmental Services for more information by sending an email to kymp.ymparistovalvonta@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program) .

Use the online service

Submit a notification of professional waste collection operations

Requires authentication.

Waste management plans of marinas

A marina manager must compile a waste management plan for the waste generated by the vessels using the marina. The waste management plan must be updated every five years or if the port operations change in an essential way.

Send the waste management plan and its annexes to the City of Helsinki Registry Office by e-mail to helsinki.kirjaamo@hel.fi or by post to P.O. Box 10, 00099 City of Helsinki.

We will charge a fee for processing the application in accordance with the environmental protection authority's valid price list.

Additional information

You can ask the Environmental Services for more information by sending an email to kymp.ymparistovalvonta@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program) .

Fill in a form

Submit a waste management plan for a marina for approval

Permit for holding rehearsals and competitions on land or in water areas

You need a permit for holding repeated or permanent rehearsals, exercises and competitions on land or in water areas. Apply for a permission from the Helsinki Environmental Services via Lupapiste.

We will charge a fee for processing the application in accordance with the environmental protection authority's valid price list.

Additional information

You can ask the Environmental Services for more information by sending an email to kymp.ymparistovalvonta@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program) .

Use the online service

Apply for a permit to organise rehearsals, exercises or competitions

Requires authentication.

Notification of experimental activities

A notification must be submitted to the Helsinki Environmental Services of activities where the purpose is toe.g. experiment with new raw material or fuel, manufacturing or combustion method, or waste utilisation or treatment method in operations requiring an environmental permit. Submit your notification of experimental activities via the Lupapiste service.

We will charge a fee for processing the application in accordance with the environmental protection authority's valid price list.

Additional information

You can ask the Environmental Services for more information by sending an email to kymp.ymparistovalvonta@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program) .

Use the online service

Submit a notification of experimental activities

Requires authentication.

Notification of an exceptional situation

Submit a notification of an exceptional situation whene.g. an accident, disruption in production or a demolition of a structure or equipment generates emissions or waste that may cause an immediate and apparent risk of environmental contamination. You must also submit a notification when non-standard waste management measures are needed due to the volume or type of waste generated. Submit a notification of the exceptional situation to the Helsinki Environmental Services via Lupapiste.

We will charge a fee for processing the application in accordance with the environmental protection authority's valid price list.

Additional information

You can ask the Environmental Services for more information by sending an email to kymp.ymparistovalvonta@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program) .

Use the online service

Submit a notification of an exceptional situation

Requires authentication.

Notification of storage clamps of livestock manure

Putting livestock manure in storage clamps must be reported to the Helsinki Environmental Services at least 14 days in advance. The location, size, structure and duration of the storage clamp must meet the requirements of the 'nitrate decree' (Government Decree on Limiting Certain Emissions from Agriculture and Horticulture). Storage clamps cannot replace a more permanent manure storage. Report storage clamp operations via Lupapiste.

We will charge a fee for processing the application in accordance with the environmental protection authority's valid price list.

Additional information

You can ask the Environmental Services for more information by sending an email to kymp.ymparistovalvonta@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program) .


Use the online service

Submit a notification of storage clamps of livestock manure

Requires authentication.

Notification of an exception to the prohibition on manure application

A notification of an exception to the prohibition period of manure application must be submitted to the municipal environmental protection authority by the end of October. Report any exceptions via Lupapiste.

We will charge a fee for processing the application in accordance with the environmental protection authority's valid price list.

Additional information

You can ask the Environmental Services for more information by sending an email to kymp.ymparistovalvonta@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program) .


Use the online service

Submit a notification of manure application in an exceptional situation

Requires authentication.

Permit to extract soil

Extracting soil for purposes other than personal household needs requires an authorisation under the Land Extraction Act. If you intend to extract more than 500 cubes of soil, you should submit a notification even if you plan to use the soil for personal household purposes. Submit a notification of soil extraction to the Helsinki Environmental Services via Lupapiste.

We will charge a fee for processing the application in accordance with the environmental protection authority's valid price list.

Processing time

Processing time is about eight months.

Additional information

You can ask the Environmental Services for more information by sending an email to kymp.ymparistovalvonta@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program) .

Use the online service

Apply for a permit or submit a notification for soil extraction

Requires authentication.

Notification of cleaning contaminated soil

Notify us of cleaning contaminated soil if you are digging or cleaning contaminated soil and utilising the soil excavated in connection with the cleaning or sending it forward for processing. 

Read more about cleaning of contaminated soil

Decommissioning an oil tank

The decommissioned oil tank on the ground must be emptied, cleaned and inspected. Order the work from an authorised inspector and send the minutes drawn up by the inspector to the environmental services. 

Read more about decomissioning an oil tank

Processing times, fees and contact information

Processing of environmental permits and soil permits takes at least 8 months. The decision’s appeal period to the Vaasa Administrative Court is 30 days.

Factors such as potential supplementary documents and the workload of the environmental control authorities also have an effect on the processing times of other applications, notifications and plans.

For processing environmental permit applications, notifications and plans, we will charge a fee consisting of a fixed base payment based on the institution in question or the scope of operations and a processing fee based on the scope of the procedure. 

Price list of the Environmental Protection Authority (PDF, in Finnish)

If you have any questions about an environmental permit or environmental notifications related to your activities, please contact the Environmental Monitoring and Supervision Unit of the Helsinki Environmental Services: kymp.ymparistovalvonta@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program)

You can contact the environmental inspectors by phone, call the