Establishing a water plant or distributing domestic water, for example, a water cooperative or the distribution of water at events with your own equipment, requires an application or notification, as specified in the Health Protection Act.
Submit a water distribution application or notification
Notifications and applications concerning water distribution or water cooperatives must be submitted to the supervision of domestic water in Helsinki via the Ilppa e-service or on a separate form. The handling of the notification or application is subject to a fee, as specified in the table of rates.
Processing time
Processing time is 30 days.
Additional information
If you are unable to submit the application in the Ilppa service, fill in the PDF or Word form and send it by e-mail to opens default mail program)
You can also print out the notification form and send it by post to
City of Helsinki, Registrar's Office / Environmental Services / Food Safety Unit
P.O. Box 10
Use the online service
Fill in a form
Should I submit a water distribution application or notification?
You must apply for approval for a domestic water supply plant at least three months before the start of operations. The plant cannot supply domestic water until its operation has been approved.
You must submit an application for a material change no later than 30 days before the change of the operations. The operations may not be changed until the application has been approved.
Make an application for the distribution of domestic water in the following cases:
- You have a domestic water supply plant that has its own water production or treatment operations (also applies to a wholesale water facility).
- The operation of the plant will change substantially. For example, water intake or water treatment will be substantially expanded or changed, or there will be significant changes in the distribution or quality of the water.
Make an notification for the distribution of domestic water in the following cases:
- You have a domestic water supply plant, such as a water cooperative, that does not have its own water intake or treatment facility.
- You are an operator who intakes drinking water with your own equipment as part of a public or commercial activity. For example, you distribute domestic water at events.
- You are the owner of a jointly or privately used water inlet or container. For example, a shared well or a water cooperative that produces water for the needs of at least 50 people or at least 10 cubic metres per day.