Special heavy traffic permit for Helsinki city centre

Vehicles over 12 metres in length require a special permit to drive into Helsinki city centre.

If you are planning to drive into the restricted area in Helsinki city centre with a vehicle longer than 12 metres, you must apply for a permit from the city.

The restricted area covers the entire southern part of Helsinki as far as the Paciuksenkatu-Nordenskiöldinkatu-Teollisuuskatu line, with the exception of the West Harbour, South Harbour and Katajanokka. This restriction does not apply to buses.

Please submit your application no later than two working days before the intended transport. We do not charge a fee for granting the permit.

The permit does not allow deviations from the dimensions and masses (length, width, height, gross vehicle mass and axle masses) stipulated in the Government Decree on the Control of Roadworthiness of Vehicles Used in Traffic.

Apply for a special heavy traffic permit

Submit your permit application by e-mail to ksv.liikenne@hel.fi.

Additional information

Eija Huhtala, tel. 09 310 38372
Raija Jussilainen, tel. 09 310 24693
Tanja Etelälahti, tel. 040 653 5361
Riitta Malmivaara, tel. 040 860 7628