When you register as a jobseeker, you start your job search and customer relationship with the Helsinki employment services.As a jobseeker, you can apply for unemployment benefit from Kela or your unemployment fund.
The employment authority advises and guides you in applying for work and offers other services that help you integrate and get work. Such services may include integration training and multilingual social orientation, where you can find information about Finnish society.
The initial interview or the assessment of the competence and integration service needs examines your study and work history, language skills and other matters affecting your integration and employment. In addition, your language, reading and writing skills may be tested.
An integration plan supports your integration in Finland. It agrees on Finnish or Swedish language studies that correspond to your study skills and on participation in services that promote employment that best suit your situation.
Contact Helsinki Employment Services
You can contact Helsinki Employment Services through e-services, by phone and by email.
Use the online service
Sign in and visit Job Market Finland's E-services
Send us an email
Send an email
Helsinki Employment Services' email address.