
We want to provide you with expert, customer-friendly and individual services.

Give feedback to Helsinki Employment Services

You can provide general feedback on the operations of Helsinki Employment Services in the City's feedback system(Link leads to external service). We process all the feedback received via the service systematically, refer it to the right persons and monitor that it is responded to.

Do not write about personal or sensitive matters on the general feedback form. Submit feedback on the management of your own affairs or on the personal services you receive in the Job Market Finland E-services(Link leads to external service). When sending email, you must use the Securemail service(Link leads to external service) to ensure that the information stays secure. Using the service requires strong authentication.

Customer satisfaction

Our job is to support you as a jobseeker. We constantly strive to improve our service and its quality. We collect customer feedback and monitor the customer experience. Even individual observations on our services and ways of working are valuable to us.

We regularly conduct customer satisfaction surveys. We hope that you respond to the survey on employment services if you receive one, e.g. by email or letter.

The lobbies of our offices contain devices for giving us feedback during your visit.

In connection with developing our services, we also arrange various customer panels and interviews. We publish information on these e.g. on this website and on our social media channels.

Data protection and the processing of personal data

As a joint controller, we and the Development and Administration Centre for ELY Centres and TE Offices (KEHA Centre) are responsible for the realisation of our client’s rights as data subjects under the General Data Protection Regulation.

City of Helsinki Data Protection notices