Helsinki supports U20 call for urban investment, sustainable post-pandemic recovery

The Urban 20 (U20) network of cities from the G20 countries held a hybrid summit in Jakarta, Indonesia on 30–31 August 2022.
Ilmakuva Helsingistä mereltä päin katsottuna Katajanokan ja Pohjoisrannan suuntaan.

The Urban 20 (U20) network of cities from the G20 countries held a hybrid summit in Jakarta, Indonesia on 30–31 August 2022. The summit’s motto “Recover together, recover stronger” revealed one of the summit’s main themes: post-pandemic recovery. Helsinki Mayor Juhana Vartiainen participated remotely in the summit and gave a presentation on the first day. His speech emphasised the importance of investments targeted at cities as a means for solving global challenges such as the climate crisis.

“In one of the most important networks of cities on the world stage, Helsinki is a forerunner in the fight against climate change and the areas of sustainable development and open and participatory decision-making. Global goals cannot be achieved without the strong participation of cities and their courage to renew. The green transition requires considerable investments, and these won’t be implemented unless a financially sound future that can finance them is visible on the horizon. We know that urbanisation is a wellspring for modern prosperity – people are more productive when they are in close proximity to each other, and it is easier to implement climate-smart solutions in cities. This is why urbanisation is a key enabler of the green transition,” Mayor Vartiainen said.

Helsinki has been a U20 member under the leadership of the mayor since March of 2021, and an observer city since 2018. Helsinki is one of the few cities that were invited to join the network despite the fact that Finland is not expressly a G20 country. Each year, the cities participating in the Urban 20 summit agree on a joint statement. Released on 31 August, this year’s communiqué was approved by 44 cities, and was handed over to the President of Indonesia, the country now holding the G20’s rotating presidency.

The role of cities in the post-pandemic recovery and the achievement of the UN’s Agenda 2030 goals is undeniable. The leadership of the U20 cities appealed to the G20 countries to promote world peace and global development and to work with the cities towards a mutually desirable post-pandemic future.

Public investment and direct funding for cities can have the greatest impact towards an inclusive economic recovery, addressing the climate crisis, fostering social cohesion and reducing inequality. This year’s priority areas in the Urban 20 Communiqué are:
• investing in health and housing as a cornerstone for an economic and social recovery for all,
• fostering a sustainable energy transition and equal access to sustainable mobility, and
• providing education and training on the future of work, to give all people equitable access to the job market.

Part of the U20 network since 2018

Helsinki has been active in the U20 network of cities from the G20 countries since 2018. At first, Helsinki took part as an observer city, before an 8 March 2021 City Council decision was made to join the network as a participating city.
The U20 network of cities was established in 2017 on the initiative of the mayors of Paris and Buenos Aires, in collaboration with the C40 climate network and the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) urban network. The U20 network’s goal is to put global themes that are important to cities on the agenda of the G20, which is made up of the world’s leading countries. It is clear that the U20 network was founded in response to the growing importance of cities as political actors on the international arena.

Read more:

Urban 20(Link leads to external service)
Urban 20 Communiqué 2022(Link leads to external service)
Urban 20 Press release 31 August 2022(Link leads to external service)

Photo: Kari Ylitalo/Helsinki Partners