Make jobseeking easier with saved searches

The City of Helsinki's Open jobs website now allows you to save your searches for open jobs. By using this new feature, you will be notified when a job that you are interested opens up so that you do not miss the application period for your dream job.
Missä haluaisit työskennellä? Hakuvahti ilmoittaa, kun unelmapaikan haku avautuu.
Photo: Jussi Hellsten

The City of Helsinki offers plenty of varied and interesting jobs. The application periods for open jobs are usually only a few weeks long. By saving your search on the website, you will be notified by email when jobs suitable for you open up.

You can save a search based on a specific job title, a location or unit that you want to work at or your preferred type of employment, such as practical training, for example. Whenever a job that matches your saved search opens up, you will receive an email notification about it on the following day. In other words, by saving your search you can make sure that your dream job does not pass you by.

How to save your search

  1. Start by selecting your search criteria and clicking the “Search” button. Please note that you can save your search even if there are no search results right now.
  2. Next, click on “Open the order form” and enter your email address for the saved search. Check the box saying that you consent to the processing of your personal data and then click on the “Save your search” button.
  3. You will receive an email message with a link for confirming your saved search. Make sure that the messages do not end up in your spam folder!

You can save multiple different searches by changing your search criteria, clicking the “Search” button and entering your email address again.

Tips for filtering open positions

In addition to searching based on the task area, type of employment, the language of the listing and job location, you can also search by using your own search terms. For example, if you want to save a search for the jobs of a specific unit or service point, you can use the name of the unit as your search term. However, please make sure that you do not use common words such as “daycare”, “school”, “hospital” or similar as search terms. For example, if you are searching for jobs at Daycare Kesäheinä, please use “Kesäheinä” as your search term without the word “daycare”.

You can also find the open jobs of our different divisions and public enterprises by using the following acronyms:

  • Education Division – KASKO
  • Social Services, Healthcare and Rescue Services Division – SOTEPE 
  • Culture and Leisure Division – KUVA
  • Urban Environment Division – KYMP
  • City Executive Office – KANSLIA
  • Palvelukeskus Helsinki – PALKE
  • Financial Management Services – TALPA
  • Helsinki City Construction Services, Stara – STARA

Last year, there were almost 14,600 new job openings at the City of Helsinki. The positions with the most job openings were those of early childhood education teacher, social worker, practical nurse, nurses and public health nurse. In contrast, there were only 15 openings for leading official positions, 16 openings in the environment and nature conservation sector and 29 openings in the traffic, logistics and real estate sector last year. By using the saved search feature, you can make sure that you are among the first to be notified of open jobs that are suitable for you.