New traffic sign requires motorists to yield to crossing cyclists

The City of Helsinki has installed some of the first new duty to yield to cyclists traffic signs, which affect the rights of way of a crossing cyclist and a motorist on the roadway. The traffic sign was introduced in 2020 with the new Traffic Act.
New traffic sign for duty to yield to cyclists (under the pedestrian crossing sign) on Töölönlahdenkatu. The new sign will only be used in locations with an raised bicycle crossing, as pictured.
New traffic sign for duty to yield to cyclists (under the pedestrian crossing sign) on Töölönlahdenkatu. The new sign will only be used in locations with an raised bicycle crossing, as pictured.

In Helsinki, the new traffic sign (sign B7) for the duty to yield to cyclists was first used on Tuomarinkyläntie. With the opening of the new Kaisantunneli tunnel, one of these signs was also installed on the high-traffic, central location at the tunnel’s Töölönlahdenkatu side exit.

Motorists on the road at the crossing with the new sign are now required to yield to crossing cyclists. This new sign is only used with structurally raised cycle crossings.

More new traffic signs to be installed this summer

In Helsinki, the duty to yield to cyclists sign will be used at high-traffic cycle routes where we want to emphasise the safety and ease of street crossings. There is often a pedestrian crossing next to the cycle route, which means drivers on the road must yield to crossing pedestrians and cyclists both.

During 2024, the new sign will also be used to change the rights of way at the Töölönlahdenkatu and Karamzininkatu crossing, where we will build a raised pedestrian and cyclist crossing.

The City of Helsinki’s goal is to improve traffic safety. Improving street crossings is one way to improve cycling and walking conditions. We survey crossings that are challenging from a traffic safety perspective, and intend to improve safety with various measures every year.

Other signs that indicate a right of way

The duty to yield in a crossing will continue to be indicated primarily with the yield sign (B5). The familiar triangle sign tells motorists that they must yield to others, including cyclists. At times, however, the traffic conditions make it impossible to use the B5 sign. The new sign, B7, makes it possible to improve cycling safety those conditions.

A driver on the roadway must yield to cyclists in places with a B5 or B7 sign as well as when there is a STOP sign and when they are turning. Further information on rights of way on the Liikenneturva website: leads to external service) (in Finnish)

Traffic signs mentioned in the article that change the right of way.
B5: yield at crossing
B6: mandatory stop
B7: yield to crossing cyclists
Traffic signs mentioned in the article that change the right of way. B5: yield at crossing B6: mandatory stop B7: yield to crossing cyclists