Menus developed based on feedback
Today, Hoffström's job is to ensure that the various services of the municipal enterprise, such as the summertime meals, meet the needs of division clients and city residents, as well as legal requirements, in a high-quality and efficient manner.
“Being able to collaborate with specialists from different fields and influence the daily lives and wellbeing of tens of thousands of the city's residents is a major motivator for me,” she says.
The playground meals consist of soups and stews, which are suitable for hot transport, and they are delivered to playgrounds for distribution. The food is served onto the children's plates and enjoyed on the spot.
This summer, the menu will include often-requested vegan food at least once a week. In addition, certain dishes, such as rainbow trout soup and Italian stew, remain favourites amongst children and young people year after year. The foods on the menu also adhere to the nutritional guidelines and the City's policies.
“We update our menus annually based on, among other things, the previous year's customer feedback,” says Hoffström.