Premises Services’ Rental Apartments office at Elimäenkatu 5 has shortened opening hours

Premises Services’ Rental Apartments office at Elimäenkatu 5 has shortened opening hours.

The Rental Apartments office has shortened its opening hours

During the state of emergency caused by the coronavirus epidemic, we are acting in accordance with the instructions given by THL and the City management in our customer service operations.The goal is to handle as many things as possible by phone, email and post. This will allow us to reduce the number and duration of daily customer contacts.

Our telephone service is open on weekdays from 10 am to 2 pm

tel. +358 (0)9 310 322 94

and we can also be contacted by email opens default mail program)

Defect notices can be made

by calling +358 (0)50 324 6292
or by email to avainpalvelu.yhtkymp@hel.if(Link opens default mail program)

We currently serve visitors to the customer service point at the following times:

· Monday 8:15–11:30 am
· Tuesday 12 noon–4 pm
· Wednesday 12 noon–4 pm
· Thursday 8:15–11:30 am
· Friday 10 am–2 pm

We are open exceptionally

Customer service

  • 22.4. wed.  8:15–12:00
  • 4.5. mon. 10:00–16:00
  • 15.5. fri. closed


  • 22.4. wed. 10:00–12:00
  • 11.5. mon. 10:00–12:00
  • 15.5. fri. closed

The Rental Apartments unit of the Premises Services is responsible for the rental services of the City’s company housing, City-owned non-subsidised housing and supported housing for special groups of the social services. Our office is located at Elimäenkatu 5.

Using our customer services

If you have any flu symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, sneezing, runny nose), we do not recommend coming to the customer service point. Instead, we recommend either using our online services or calling our telephone service.

If possible, please contact our customer service department by phone or email first. If your situation requires physical presence, book an appointment with a customer service representative. This allows us to best minimise the risks.

Our customer service provision has been modified in accordance with the recommendations of THL, i.e. we keep a distance of one metre in our customer service work. As a result, we are currently only able to serve at one customer service point. The customers wait their turn in a large lobby where they have the opportunity to keep a one-metre distance from one another.
We ask that our customers wash their hands thoroughly beforehand.

Our customer service personnel use disposable gloves and face masks when serving customers.
We have made forms easily available in the waiting lobby. Please fill out the forms you need as you wait for your turn.

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