Urban environment customer service operating primarily remotely – including parking permit applications

We serve the customers primarily online and over the phone.

The urban environment
customer service point at Sörnäistenkatu 1 and the Premises Services’ Rental
Apartments customer service unit at Elimäenkatu 5 are currently serving
customers primarily online and over the phone. Customers are encouraged to only
come to the service point if they are unable to handle their issue online or
over the phone.

For information on the available telephone and online services, call +358 (0)9 310 22111. Information is also available on the City's website, such as the urban environment page Feedback and contact information.

Please nothe that only ten people are allowed in our service area at one time. Please, wait your turn outside the customer service area, if needed.

Until further notice, the Stadin asunnot customer service unit (allocation of City rental housing) and Cabling Information Services are only providing remote services. The Premises Services’ Rental Apartments service point has shortened its opening hours.

Parking permit application will change until further notice

Customers are asked to call the customer service on +358 (0)9 310 22111 if they need

  • a new resident parking permit
  • a new business parking permit
  • continuation to their current business parking permit.

During the call, the clerk checks the customer’s eligibility for the parking permit. If the customer is eligible for the permit, the clerk will give them instructions on how to redeem the permit.

The Building Control Services archive and the Land Use and Construction
service point are also primarily serving customers remotely

Due to the emergency conditions, the archive’s telephone service hours have been extended. The service hours are Mon–Thu 9 am–1 pm. The telephone service at +358 (0)9 310 26301 can be called in urgent matters. Enquiries about non-urgent matters may be sent by email to arkisto@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program).

Additional information on remote services:

has an extensive responsibility to store construction and alteration documents.



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