The man spins wildly in the air and executes admirably controlled backflips with a big smile on his face. At times, Magno Lopes balances on one hand and jumps back onto his feet. Centuries-old Afro-Brazilian capoeira is a combination of dance, martial arts and acrobatics. Magno first discovered the sport 24 years ago while he was still living in Salvador da Bahia in Brazil.
“Capoeira is a mixture of comprehensive movement and social skills. The health benefits of the sport have also been studied abroad: capoeira strengthens bones and muscles, improves balance and keeps the body flexible. The master who taught me is now 75 years old and still in excellent condition,” Magno says.
Lopes, 38, has lived in Finland since 2017 and founded the Finnish copeira federation, Suomen Capoeiraliitto, to raise awareness of the versatile sport. Through his Clips Academia Europa company, Magno provides capoeira classes to individual students and companies.
“My most important goal is to use the federation to promote Brazilian culture and capoeira in Finland, but I also feel that it adds to my credibility as an entrepreneur. I would teach people capoeira for free, but I have to earn a living.”
Magno introduces residents of Helsinki to the sport on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Viiri playground in Pikku Huopalahti. In the winter, he takes the classes indoors in the local youth centre and the Terassitalo building.
“The best thing about capoeira is that people of all ages can practise it. Once you learn the basic movements, you can adapt and improvise on them depending on your skill level.”

An association can also set up a company
To crystallise his business idea, Magno Lopes has utilised the free-of-charge Business Helsinki service: Business Advisor Anu Oksanen has helped him in defining his target group, planning marketing activities and pricing his services.
“At first, business culture in Finland was foreign to me, and I did not understand all the responsibilities and rights I had. Anu has offered vital support in comprehending all the practical matters. I have received tangible tips from Business Advisory Services for streamlining my business and applying for the start-up grant,” Lopes says gratefully.
Anu Oksanen has noticed that finding a profitable business model is often challenging even for people born and raised in Finland when the business idea is based on their hobby activities or other leisure-time passion.
“Many entrepreneurs find it difficult to price their work, especially in the creative industries. Magno himself has honed his craft in capoeira for more than two decades. You do not need to share your expertise for free; instead, you have the right to price it accordingly,” Oksanen sanoo.
Lopes has strengthened his expertise in the Finnish copoeira federation, Suomen Capoeiraliitto, which he founded. Anu Oksanen encourages other associations and foundations to also explore business opportunities. She mentions sports clubs that rely on an open-air dance floor and the associated business operations for some of their funding as an example.
“The income from the business operations allows for association development, which benefits both operations. This way, the operation is built on a stronger foundation, making it possible to reach larger target groups.”
Persistent work towards goals
Magno’s dream is to establish a Brazilian cultural centre to promote Latin American culture in Finland. Lopes has already started preparing cultural events: on 7–9 October, an international capoeira weekend for women will be held in the Helinä Rautavaara Museum in Espoo.
Lopes is also planning on organising a capoeira competition in Helsinki next year.
“I want to see more cooperation between Finnish capoeira schools and teachers, because I think we would all benefit from it. Capoeira could also be useful in work with children and young people, as it fosters social skills and interaction.”
Lopes has plenty of ideas, but he also has his feet planted firmly on the ground: he first needs to make the business profitable. In order to strengthen his service offering, he is currently studying to become a personal trainer.
“Step by step towards my goals. It’s all in the attitude.”