Among other things, mobile sales refers to food trucks, café bikes and sales carts that temporarily operate in different parts of the city without a permanent point of sale. An agile kiosk is defined as a mobile food establishment that is registered as a motor vehicle or trailer. A food truck does not have its own, permanent sales spot. Instead, it always needs a permit from the city for a trading spot. Under certain conditions, products may be sold and distributed from a bicycle, cart or moped without a separate permit. However, the Food Safety Unit must be notified of the start of operations of the mobile food premises.
We are currently preparing new principles for agile kiosks and other mobile sales points. The current rental principles were changed this autumn by the Urban Environment Committee and will remain in force until the end of 2025. We are updating the guidelines and at the same time evaluating the expansion of the network of sales points. The aim is to ensure that mobile sales points serve both the business owners and the well-being of city residents.
Share your opinions on food trucks and other mobile sales points!
Share your opinion through the Kerrokantasi survey (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service) on where mobile sales points work the best and where they could be improved. The survey is aimed at all Helsinki residents and visitors. We especially want feedback from people who have used or come across mobile sales points in the city. Based on the responses, we will improve the guidelines and evaluate the locations of the sales points. The survey will remain open until 19 January.
We have sent our own survey to the current food truck operators, with which we aim to collect development proposals for improving operations from the operators' point of view. One such aspect is how to facilitate the agile kiosk operations and their dealings with the city.