Helsinki offers rehabilitation for elderly on TV

Helsinki’s Department of Social Services and Health Care is participating in the Koti TV pilot. During the pilot, elderly Helsinkians are offered physical distan
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Helsinki’s Department of Social Services and Health Care is participating in the Koti TV pilot. During the pilot, elderly Helsinkians are offered physical distance rehabilitation, memory rehabilitation and lectures on weekdays 11–13. The channel is free of charge and the aim is to support the wellbeing of the elderly.

If you have a satellite connection, Koti TV is broadcast on channel 33. You can also watch Koti TV live online at leads to external service) . In households with DNA’s cable connection, Koti TV is broadcast on channel 66.

– Coronavirus has forced us to close our service centres. We want to, however, provide meaningful activities to the elderly during the daytime and support their wellbeing. This is why we wanted to participate in the pilot, says Helena
Venetvaara, service district director.

The programmes are shown, if possible, during home care visits, in senior centres and in service houses. The programmes complement other distance services that have grown during corona.

– We already offer many different types of distance rehabilitation and cultural activities. This pilot is an addition to our existing services, Venetvaara explains.

– We hope that everyone tells their elderly friends and family members about the service. The channel could bring a nice rhythm to daily activities, Venetvaara continues.

Koti TV is planned and produced together with elderly rehabilitation and distance learning experts. The exercises take into account the different levels of physical mobility. The first exercises of the day focus on mobilisation and memory rehabilitation. In the afternoons there is culture and lectures about different topics, such as history or languages.

Programmes in Swedish are broadcast on Mondays and Fridays from 10–11.

The Koti TV pilot continues until June 2021. The continuation of the channel is evaluated in the spring.

can I find the channel for the rehabilitation programme?

If you have a satellite connection, Koti TV is found on channel 33 and in households with DNA’s cable connection on channel 66. Most modern televisions will find the channels automatically without the viewer having to do anything. Some TVs and digital television adapters might require the channels to be tuned.  The channels can be tuned manually or automatically on the TV.

You can find instructions for tuning the channels on Digita's website leads to external service) . You can also get information about tuning the channels from Digita Info from Monday to Friday 8–16, tel.  020 411 7676 and by email opens default mail program) . A call to Digita Info costs 8.35 cents per call and 6 cents per minute from a landline. From a mobile phone a call costs 8.35 cents per call and 17.17 cents per minute. There is also a cost if you must wait in a telephone queue.

You can also get assistance from Koti TV’s service number, which is open on weekdays 10–12, tel. 050 551 4066.  The cost of the call depends on your mobile phone plan.

Picture: Katja Tähjä

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