
There are dozens of parks in Helsinki where you can relax or participate in events and volunteer activities. The Winter Garden is a popular destination no matter the season. Explore the parks and gardens of Helsinki and find your favourite.

 Person walking in the blossoming rhododendron park.
Photo: Julia Kivelä

Find parks in Helsinki

If you want to explore the parks on your own, check out the parks on the Vihreät sylit webpage. If you would like to hear interesting stories, you can take part in guided park walks.

Explore the parks on the Vihreät sylit webpage(Link leads to external service)

See the guided park walks on the Events webpage (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)

Are you looking for things to do in parks?

Kymmeniä henkilöitä jumppaamassa kesäisessä puistossa.
Photo: Konsta Linkola

Exercise in parks

The City of Helsinki organises free park exercise events in different parts of the city. You can exercise in the summer from the end of May to August. Park exercise is not organised during rainy weather. 

See park exercises on the Sports webpage (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)

Three people raking leaves in a park.
Photo: Roni Rekomaa

Become a Park Pal

Would you like to straighten things out, such as by collecting rubbish or pulling weeds?  As a Park Pal, you can participate in taking care of your own living environment.

Learn more about Park Pal activities on the Volunteering webpage (Link leads to external service)

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