Municipal elections will be held on 18 April 2021. The advance voting times for the municipal elections are 7-13 April in Finland and 7-10 April abroad. The coronavirus situation has been taken into account in Helsinki by increasing the number of advance polling station and extending their opening hours.
The general advance polling stations for the municipal elections are located at certain libraries, cultural centres and shopping centres in different parts of Helsinki. Due to the coronavirus situation, there must be a sufficient number of advance polling stations in different parts of the city and their opening hours must be as extensive as possible. The Helsinki City Board confirmed the polling station locations for the advance voting period at its meetings on 14 December 2020 and 25 January 2021.
General advance polling stations for the municipal elections in Helsinki and their opening hours 7-13 April 2021 (in Finnish)
Closer to the elections, a polling card will be sent to those entitled to vote. The card includes a list of the general advance polling stations in the person's own electoral district.
In the municipal elections, 85 councillors will be elected to the Helsinki City Council. Municipal elections are held every four years.
Further information
Municipal elections on the City website
The Vaalit.fi website(Link leads to external service)
The Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities, elections website(Link leads to external service)
Helsinki City Council