Finland’s ninth Ice Hockey World Championship will take place in Tampere and Helsinki from 13–29 May 2022

Finland will host the 2022 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship from 13–29 May 2022.
Jääkiekion MM-kisat Helsingissä ja Tampereella 13.-29.5.2022

Finland will host the 2022 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship from 13–29 May 2022. Finland’s ninth Ice Hockey World Championship will take place in Tampere and Helsinki. The patron for the 2022 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship is the president of Finland, Sauli Niinistö.

The organizing committee is currently a little ahead in the World Championship arrangements. Agreements have been concluded for cities, arenas and several operational partners.

The search for volunteers for the event will also begin this spring. Values are reflected in everything we do, inspiration for the theme is the northern lights. The theme of the 2022 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship is Making Miracles. The theme aims to bring out various wonders related to hockey and communities.

Ticket sales will start with VIP packages, day tickets for games on sale in the fall. Regular day tickets will go on sale in the fall of 2021, when the official game schedule will be completed. Tickets come with a wide price range, with several game and seating categories in use.

The medal design competition kicks off

An open design competition for the 2022 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship medals has been launched today. The competition will take place from 21 January until 31 March 2021.

More information about the competition can be found  here(Link leads to external service) .

2022 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship in Finland - facts

  • The 2022 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship will be held 13 to 29 May 2022 in Tampere and Helsinki
  • 16 teams play in the Championships
  • A total of 64 games will be played, with each team having seven games in the preliminary round
  • The quarter-finals will be played in Tampere and Helsinki
  • The semi-finals and final and bronze games will be held in Tampere
  • The Finnish national team will play its games in Tampere
  • Half a million guests are expected to attend the 2022 IIHF WM
  • The 2019 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship reached a cumulative TV audience of over 1.6 billion

The official channels for the Ice Hockey World Championship

The official channels for the 2022 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship will open today. There is a official website(Link leads to external service) and from the social media channels you can find us on  Instagram(Link leads to external service) Facebook(Link leads to external service)  and  Twitter(Link leads to external service) .

Press Release(Link leads to external service)