City of Helsinki opens new coronavirus vaccination point at Messukeskus. The coronavirus vaccinations start in Pasila in the halls of Messukeskus (Ratapihantie 17, northern entrance) on Wednesday 17 February. The other vaccination points are located in Jätkäsaari, Myllypuro and Malmi. An appointment is always needed for the vaccination.
At the moment, appointments can be booked for Helsinki residents who turn 80 this year or older, as well as for their family caregivers. The booking of vaccination appointment starts on Monday 15 February for people aged 65-69 years who suffer from a serious illness that heavily exposes the person to the coronavirus disease.
The quickest way to schedule the appointment is to do it on the web at koronarokotus.hel.fi. An appointment can also be booked by calling the appointment phone service at 09 310 46300 (weekdays 8–18). The appointment phone service uses a call-back service, which keeps a record of all calls. Everyone who has called will be called back.
Further reading
- Sairautensa vuoksi riskiryhmiin kuuluvien koronavirusrokotukset alkavat (Finnish)
- Coronavirus vaccination points in Helsinki (Finnish)
- Coronavirus vaccinations for Helsinki residents
- Coronavirus updates from Helsinki
Photo: Messukeskus.