Winter Break in Helsinki is Packed with Free Activities

Helsinki offers dozens of free activities, events, and excursions for children during the winter break from February 14th to 23rd, 2025. The winter break program, designed in collaboration with young people, spans across the city in youth centers, libraries, sports venues, cultural centers, museums, and playgrounds.

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Young people.
Image: Karun Verma

Most of the city’s winter break program is free, and even the paid experiences are affordable. The entire winter break offering is compiled on the Youth Helsinki website.
Youth Helsinki(Link leads to external service)

Participation in activities at youth centers requires a free Jässäri  membership card. All Helsinki residents under 20 years old can also enter Villa Hakasalmi for free with Jässäri.
Jässäri(Link leads to external service)

Rhythm and Music for the Winter Break

The Helsinki City Museum at Senate Square hosts a Valentine’s Day disco for young people on Friday, February 14th, featuring the international drag king boy band sensation Out of Sync.

The AnnanHouse disco event at Annantalo on Friday, February 21st invites the whole family to the dance floor with the theme "Dancing Forest Folk." The evening also includes open workshops that fit the theme.

Tiivistämö in Suvilahti offers several music events for young people, including an Open Mic night, a K-pop dance competition, and a DJ Academy event. Performers during the winter break at Tiivistämö include M//O, Trebla, Dreamilla, Neal Low, Benkkku, and the charming Aatulove and ELLIMEI. 

Child jumping.
Children can try different sports from February 17 to 19 at Töölö Sports Hall. Photo: Maarit Hohteri

Stadin Talvirieha and the Joy of Exercise

This year’s most active winter break event, Stadin Talvirieha, features Paw Patrol and Mimi and Kuku! The traditional, free winter sports event for the whole family takes place again at the Paloheinä outdoor area on February 19th from 15:30 to 18:30.

Free pop-up swimming schools for children and adults are organized during the winter break at the Itäkeskus and Jakomäki swimming halls. Registration and available spots can be viewed on the Fitpit website. 

At Töölö Sports Hall, children can try activities like LaserRun, gymnastics, and ball games from February 17th to 19th. At Liikuntamylly's Youth Sports Trial Night on February 19th, you can try archery, gymnastics, and breakdancing.

Malminkartano's hobby hall hosts a girls-only hobby day, featuring everything from a lip balm workshop to dance classes and boxing trials. 

Young people playing games.
Consoles, PCs, and board games are available for playing in many libraries and youth centers. Photo: Maija Astikainen

Games and Adventures

Winter break also includes exciting escape room experiences: the "Hotel of Death" escape rooms attract middle school students to the Paloheinä and Maunula libraries.

The Oodi Central Library offers activities for various ages, including a Minecraft hobby group, an introductory programming course, and Lego robotics workshops. Youth centers and libraries across the city provide gaming experiences from console games to board games. Special gaming events include Maunula House game days and Girls’ Game Night at Pelitalo Sture.

Young people are painting.
Young people have planned the winter break program for youth centers themselves. Photo: Karun Verma

Youth-Created Programs at Youth Centers

Based on feedback from youth, the Kontula youth center Luuppi is open every day, offering activities like gaming, pizza, and discos. IrisHelsinki in Vallila provides an LGBTQ+ friendly atmosphere, and Kallahti youth center hosts a winter break celebration planned by the youth themselves.

Youth centers organize excursions and camps during the winter break. Culture Lab (Kulttuurilabra) located in Roihuvuori offers a hobby horse camp, and Adventure House (Seikkailutalo) in Kallahti organizes a dog trekking trip. Day trips are planned to Nuuksio, Trampoline Park Rush, and Megazone laser tag arena. Fallkulla Domestic Animal Farm gives young people the chance to participate in farm work.

Winter break program at Annantalo is nature-themed, featuring theater, disco events, dance courses, and movies. Film screenings are also held at Malmitalo and the Myllypuro and Jätkäsaari libraries.

Caisa, Malmitalo, Stoa, and Vuotalo host craft workshops and courses during the winter break week. 

Kid is playing in the park.
A lot of activities are also organized in open playgrounds for schoolchildren on winter break. Photo: Virpi Velin

Activities also in playgrounds

 Open playgrounds organize enjoyable free winter break activities for schoolchildren, with guided activities and excursions. A day at the playground can be a short visit or a full-day experience. More information available by contacting directly the playground you are interested in. 
Playgrounds and family houses