The competition sought innovative and sustainable solutions to reduce littering in Helsinki. The solutions included digital, technological, and social innovations, as well as innovations related to environmental education and raising awareness. There was a particular emphasis on developing viable and innovative ideas that would prevent litter and debris from entering water bodies. Some of the best ideas from the competition may also be put into practice in the coming years.
Mobile rubbish bins were the winning idea
The winner of the competition was the team with the idea of a mobile ‘Zero-bot’. The zero-bot idea would use robots similar to food delivery robots that would move to where people and litter are most prevalent and function as rubbish bins at events, for example.
Participation in the idea competition was voluntary, although students were actively recruited from Metropolia.
– We were excited to get involved, because environmental issues and nature are important to us. The process was really interesting and motivating. We’ve all learned something new about littering and what a problem it is in Helsinki. We were all fascinated by tangible issues – unlike student projects, which often deal with imaginary situations, this competition allowed us to come up with solutions to real problems. It would be really cool if we could cooperate with the City of Helsinki and actually contribute to solving the problem of littering,” say the members of the winning team.
The panel of judges consisted of Metropolia’s development services staff and a representative of student assistant coaches. The winning entry was seen as bringing a new perspective to a well-established robot concept. The jury also thanked both the winning team and all the participants for their excellent preparation and efforts.
– The Clean Helsinki Challenge is a great example of what we can achieve when we join forces. The students surprised us with their courage and ability to innovate, creating great solutions to curb littering. The challenge gave them room to experiment, grow and be bold – and this was reflected in the results. The genuine spirit of collaboration at the event proved that together we can create meaningful solutions and make Helsinki a cleaner and more enjoyable city for all of us,” says Development Manager Minttu Ripatti from Metropolia University of Applied Sciences on behalf of the competition’s organising team.
– We would like to thank the students and Metropolia for the great implementation and success of the competition despite a very tight schedule. We have received fantastic and innovative new ideas, some of which we can definitely start to develop further in cooperation with the students. These kinds of creative ideas, combined with existing city operations, will bring solutions to the littering problem in our hometown,” says the Litter Management Coordinator Laura Kotilainen from the City of Helsinki.
The City of Helsinki commissioned the competition, and Metropolia University of Applied Sciences was responsible for its implementation. The competition took place in the autumn and winter of 2024 and is related to the City of Helsinki’s Litter Control Action Plan, which seeks solutions to reduce littering in Helsinki.
The winning team received a prize of 3,000 euros. The second-place team was awarded a prize of 1,000 euros for their work on the “SIFI” app. The app strengthens the sense of community and encourages active participation in preventing littering and raising awareness. The final of the competition was held on 12 December 2024, when the winners were also announced.