More residential streets built in Kruunuvuorenranta area

At the next stage, the construction of new streets in Kruunuvuorenranta will proceed to the east of Haakoninlahdenkatu street.
A map showing the streets being built in Kruunuvuorenranta and the area where local detailed plan is under re-evaluation
The map presents the streets under construction and the area where local detailed plan is under re-evaluation.

The new Kruunuvuorenranta residential area is being built on and in the surroundings of the former Laajasalo oil terminal. Starting in October, the project covers streets Pitkäluodonkatu, Varisluodonkatu, Kaivoskallionpolku, Stansvikinkallionpolku and Stansvikinkallionkuja. Part of Stansvikinkallionkatu and part of Stansvikin rantakatu will also be built.

The street construction project will begin in the Pitkäluodonkatu and Varisluodonkatu area and proceed north towards Koirasaarentie.

The project will not cause any changes to public transport routes or vehicle traffic. Tree felling and blasting will be carried out at the early stages of the project, which may cause some noise in the area.

Stansvikinkallio local detailed plan partly re-evaluated

The streets being built now will serve especially the future residents and users of the central blocks and the northern part of Stansvikinkallio. The streets will be completed in 2025. The first building construction projects in the blocks delineated by these streets will begin as early as next year.

Some of the street construction works will extend to the northern part of the area covered by the Stansvikinkallio local detailed plan, where plots have been reserved for developers for the construction of some 700 homes. In other respects, the Stansvikinkallio local detailed plan is currently being re-evaluated in accordance with the City Strategy.

The street construction works are partly based on a decision(Link leads to external service) (in Finnish) of the City Council, according to which the implementation of the streets will be continued in those sections that are absolutely necessary for the realisation of the already reserved plots, as well as the commercial central block of Kruunuvuorenranta, the school, the daycare centre and the sports hall.

The construction of the new Kruunuvuorenranta residential area is well underway and estimated to continue until 2030. In addition to homes, services and parks, the area will include diverse transport connections. After the completion of the Kruunusillat light rail connection, the journey from Kruunuvuorenranta to the inner city will take 15 minutes by tram.