Pakila and Tuomarinkylä residents invited to mayor’s resident evening

The mayor’s resident evening will be organised at Pakila Comprehensive School on Thursday, 22 September at 19:00–20:30.
Tanssiesitys ulkona aurinkoisena päivänä.

The next mayor’s resident evening will be organised at Pakila Comprehensive School on Thursday, 22 September at 19:00–20:30. The event can also be viewed live on the city's online video service Helsinki-kanava.(Link leads to external service)

Hosted by Mayor Juhana
Vartiainen, the evening will bring together residents of the neighbourhoods of Itä-Pakila, Länsi-Pakila, Tuomarinkylä, Paloheinä, Torpparinmäki and Haltiala, in addition to City of Helsinki representatives and partners.

“The next mayor’s resident evening in our series will be organised at the Pakila Comprehensive School. Everyone is welcome to follow the discussion and ask questions on site, online, through Helsinki-kanava, or whichever suits you best,” says Titta Reunanen, who leads citizen participation efforts for the city.

Preliminary questions and topics for the evening will be collected from residents via the online Voice Your Opinion (KerroKantasi(Link leads to external service)) service. A survey will be available for everyone to read and respond to.

The resident evening will be organised in cooperation with the local associations Pakila-Seura, Pakilan omakotiyhdistys, Pakilan Kiinteistönomistajain Yhdistys and Paloheinä-Torpparinmäki neighbourhood association. Pakila-Seura(Link leads to external service) is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year.

A bilingual invitation will be sent to all homes in the invited areas about two weeks before the event.

Pop-up market opens already at 17:30

During the mayor’s resident evening, residents of the invited areas can ask about topical matters directly from the Mayor of Helsinki Juhana Vartiainen and the heads of the city's divisions.

Questions can also be submitted via the message wall through the link available on the Helsinki-kanava website or online.

Local operators and operators of the City of Helsinki will introduce themselves to residents at the Pop-up market.

Health safety measures will be observed at the event. Read more about the latest COVID-19 updates(Link leads to external service).

A recording of the event will be published later on Helsinki-kanava(Link leads to external service).

Pakila Comprehensive School
on 22 September 2022 at 19:00–20:30 (Halkosuontie 88(Link leads to external service), 00660 Helsinki).

Check out the intro video at Helsinki-kanava (in Finnish)!(Link leads to external service)


Voice your opinion (KerroKantasi(Link leads to external service)) survey

Facebook event (Link leads to external service)

Helsinki-kanava (watch the live stream of the event(Link leads to external service))

Find your way to participate(Link leads to external service) in and influence the development of Helsinki(Link leads to external service)

Recordings of previous

Mayor’s resident evenings

Photo: Pakila-Seura ry.

The article was published on 25 August and updated on 15 September, on 20 September and on 22 September.