What role does empathy play in city organisation? Mayor Vartiainen visits the Société Générale podcast

The English-language podcast is available for listening on Spotify and other podcast platforms.
2050 investors podcast

The French bank Société Générale’s podcast ‘2050 Investors’ keeps an eye on economic and market megatrends and seeks solutions to future challenges. Mayor Juhana Vartiainen visits the podcast in an approximately 30-minute episode to be released today, 17 March. The English-language podcast is available for listening on Spotify and other podcast platforms.

The discussion between Mayor Vartiainen and Société Générale’s Kokou Agbo-Bloua, Head of Economics, Cross-Asset & Quant Research, offers insights into the future and challenges of urbanisation. Among other things, the Mayor will share his thoughts on Helsinki’s status as a smart city and related issues that still have room for improvement. At the same time, they will talk about whether technology will eventually alienate the city from its residents, whether emotional intelligence and empathy will be overshadowed by digital solutions, and whether residents will be reduced to nothing more than data. Closely linked to smart city development, the fight against climate change and Helsinki’s climate goals will also be discussed.

The quality of urban life and perception of time will also be hashed out – does time pass faster or slower in Helsinki in comparison to the other cities where the Mayor has lived? The effects of the coronavirus pandemic on urban life in Helsinki will also be discussed and the Mayor will share his vision for Helsinki in 2050.

recording was made prior to the current war situation in Ukraine.

More information

2050 Investors Podcast(Link leads to external service)

Smart Cities: Evolution or Creation?

(ft. Helsinki Mayor Juhana Vartiainen)(Link leads to external service)

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