Bicycle traffic plans
Baana refers to a high-quality and straight cycling route that allows cyclists to cycle at a steady speed. Once completed, the Baana network will form a regional network of cycle paths that will extend approximately 140 kilometres, connecting major residential areas to the city centre and employment hubs.
We build Baana highway routes one section at a time. Some of the Baana routes will be implemented in connection with other transport projects, though separate Baana projects will be implemented in the form of sections to be prepared as larger general plans.
You can already cycle in the city centre on the original Baana route towards the new Kaisantunneli, and on the Central Park Baana route past the Olympic Stadium towards the Aurora Bridge. The Pasila Baana, which will improve the city centre’s transverse connections, is largely ready, as the Tilkanvierto bicycle street and the bicycle paths of Asemapäällikönkatu and Vallilanlaakso have been completed.
In suburban areas, you can move along the Northern Baana route past Käpylä and Oulunkylä and along Viikki Baana from Oulunkylä towards Itäkeskus.
On the Eastern Baana route, you can pedal towards Herttoniemi on Kulosaaren puistotie. From Tupasaarentie, the route is built towards the Herttoniemi metro station. The complete Eastern Baana route will continue as a bicycle path from Hiihtomäentie towards Valurintie. More detailed planning of the Eastern Baana Route will be continued on the basis of the general plan towards Roihuvuori, following the side of Itäväylä.
In the following years, the planning of Baana Routes will continue for Eastern Baana, Northern Baana, Munkkiniemi Baana, Pitäjänmäki Baana, Arabia Baana and Kuusisaari Baana, for example.
Helsinki’s Baana network plan on a map
View the map larger: Baana network plan (PDF, in Finnish)

Over the next few years, the focus will be on constructing bikeways in the inner city, as the amount of bicycle traffic is high there. The focus will be on one-way cycle paths and lanes and improving the traffic arrangements at junctions. The continuity of the bikeways will also be a priority.
Planned cycling route network for the inner city by 2025 on a map

Below you will find a list of the project descriptions of plans that will affect cycling in the city. See the project descriptions for general information on each project, links to additional materials and contact information (in Finnish).
- Eastern Baana between Valurinkatu and Virvatulenpolku
- Linnankoskenkatu (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)
- Mäkelänkatu (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)
- Sturenkatu (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)
- Northern Baana Käpylä station – Ruotutorpankuja (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)
- Hämeentie v. Kustaa Vaasan tie – Annalantie (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)
- Munkkiniemenbaana
- General plan for Pitäjänmäki Baana
Currently under construction
We often build cycle paths as part of larger street construction projects. Read below how we will improve bikeways in the following projects.
Itäbaana will be extended from Kulosaaren puistotie as one-way cycle paths towards Kipparlahti. A new pedestrian and cycling connection will be built from Kipparlahden silmukka towards Herttoniemi next to the metro track. This will connect the Baana route to Hiihtäjänkuja.
The renovation of Mannerheimintie includes the building of one-way cycle paths along the edges of the street from Postikatu to Reijolankatu, after which Mannerheimintie will have uninterrupted cycling connections along the entire street. The arrangements on connecting streets will also be developed.
- Mannerheimintie renovation project website
- Project description in Finnish: Mannerheimintie, section Postikatu-Runeberginkatu(Link leads to external service)
- Project description in Finnish: Mannerheimintie, section Runeberginkatu - Nordenskiöldinkatu(Link leads to external service)
- Project description in Finnish: Mannerheimintie, section Nordenskiöldinkatu - Reijolankatu(Link leads to external service)
One-way cycle paths will be built along the street and connected to the already built arrangements of Lauttasaari bridge.
We are improving cycle traffic on Aleksis Kiven katu and providing cyclists with a route to the Baana via Dallapénpuisto park. The tree-lined cycle path will be converted into a footpath.
Major renovation of Aleksis Kiven katu website(Link leads to external service)
Street and park construction projects on a map
On the map, you can also find cycling-related projects that are being planned or under construction.
Brown: Planned street and park sites
Red: Street and park construction sites this year
Blue: Street and park construction sites next year
Completed projects
How will bicycle traffic be arranged on Helsinginkatu once the roadwork is completed?
Cycling will take place on one-way cycle paths along the entire length of the Helsinginkatu street, making cycling safer and more functional. The bikeways will be clearly defined. On the street named Läntinen Brahenkatu, the cycle path on side of the street near the Brahe Field will be converted into a one-way cycle path heading north. Bicycle traffic heading south will use the roadway.
How will bicycle traffic be arranged on Runeberginkatu once the roadwork is complete?
Cyclists will use one-way cycle paths. However, one-way cycle paths will not be built in the section of the Runeberginkatu street extending from the Töölöntori Square to Caloniuksenkatu until a tram line is built in west Helsinki in the late 2020s.
Cyclists will use one-way cycle paths.
The conditions for cycling and pedestrian traffic are being improved on Lauttasaarentie street. One-way cycle lanes will be built between Meripuistotie street and the Lauttasaari Bridge. New stairs will be built for pedestrians on the northern side of the bridge, at the underpass and hiking trail.
Construction of the Itäbaana cycling path section between Suunnittelijankatu and Valurinkatu streets began in June 2022 in Herttoniemi. The construction work will be completed in late summer 2023.
Between Suunnittelijankatu and Valurinkatu, Itäbaana will mainly run next to the Itäväylä noise barrier. The current combined pedestrian and cycling path will remain available for pedestrians after Itäbaana is completed.
Itäbaana, the cycling path between eastern Helsinki and the city centre, will be built in phases. The first section on Kulosaaren puistotie street was completed in 2021.
As part of the Kalasatama–Pasila project, Baana arrangements will be built along the tram line. In Vallilanlaakso, the Baana route will run along the tramway as a two-way cycle path and along Asemapäällikönkatu as one-way cycle paths.
The current bicycle traffic connection in Pikku-Huopalahti Park was improved by separating bicycle traffic and pedestrian traffic. The connection is part of Pasilanbaana.
Completed in 2023.
A section from Maaherrantie towards the north was built on the Northern Baana between the new houses and the railway line.
A bicycle street was built on Katariina Saksilaisen katu as part of the overall renovation of the street. The street is part of the Arabia Baana towards Viikki.
Completed in 2023.
Important bicycle paths were built in connection with the Jokeri Light Rail project, including sections of the Viikki Baana.
A new underpass for cyclists and pedestrians called Kaisatunneli was built underneath the tracks at the Central Railway Station. The ends of the underpass are located on the street of Töölönlahdenkatu and at the southwestern corner of the park known as Kaisaniemenpuisto, respectively.
Lauttasaarentie has bicycle lanes built between Isokaari and Ruukinlahdentie, after which all of Lauttasaarentie’s bicycle traffic solutions are now one-way.
The Pasila Baana was extended from Pikku-Huopalahden puisto park towards Pasila via cycle paths that were built on Tilkanvierto and Ratsastie.