Cycling routes

Helsinki features a comprehensive bike path network that provides an easy way to move about the city.

On this page

Find cycling routes

You can find the cycling routes in Helsinki and the greater Helsinki Metropolitan Area by using Helsinki Region Transport’s (HSL) Journey Planner. The suggested routes appear in a new window on the HSL site.

We are currently compiling a map of Helsinki’s cycling paths. The timetable for the completion of the electronic map is still uncertain.


In the future, the most functional cycling routes in Helsinki will be cycle paths called Baanas. They are high-quality cycle paths that will form an interconnected network once completed.  

You can cycle along the Baana in the city centre, the section of the northern Baana extending from Hakamäentie to Käpylä Station, or the eastern Baana on the bicycle street on Kulosaaren puistotie or Oravapuisto. From Roihupelto to Oulunkylä you can cycle along the Viikin Baana.

See the Baana network plan and read more about Baanas on the ‘Construction of cycle paths’ page

The city centre’s Baana in the summer.
The city centre’s Baana route extends from the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma in the Kluuvi district to the Ruoholahti area in the Länsisatama district. The route is 1.3 kilometres long. Photo: Janne Saavalainen

Frequently asked questions about cycling

You can cycle on cycle paths, cycle lanes or roadways. Cycling is also allowed on cycling lanes in streets, residential streets and pedestrian streets. Pavements are reserved for pedestrians, and only children under the age of 12 may cycle on them.  

See the traffic rules for cyclists on the Finnish Cyclists’ Federation website (in Finnish).(Link leads to external service)

Nature and green areas

You can cycle on the city’s recreational routes and park corridors.

Cycling in nature is allowed in the same way as walking. Everyone has the freedom to roam. Please remember, however, that you must not damage trees, for example.

Helsinki’s nature reserves have their own instructions and restrictions to protect the flora and fauna. In most nature reserves, cycling is only allowed on marked trails. In some areas, cycling is completely forbidden.  

For instructions on how to cycle in Helsinki’s nature reserves, visit the Stay on Trail page.  Advice on cycling in nature is also available on the Suomen Latu website under Mountain biking (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service) .

E-scooters belong on the same paths as bicycles. In other words, please use a cycle path, cycle lane or, if neither are available, the roadway. E-scooters are subject to the same traffic rules as bicycles.

See the traffic rules for cyclists (Finnish Cyclists’ Federation, in Finnish) (Link leads to external service)  

Mopeds and electric mopeds belong on the roadway. However, you may ride a moped on a cycle path if there is a sign that says ‘sallittu mopoille’ (mopeds allowed) on the cycle path.

 Cycle paths in Helsinki that allow mopeds, indicative (PDF, in Finnish)

Electric bicycles are subject to the same rules as normal bicycles. Electric bicycles travelling faster than 25 km/h are an exception to this, as they are comparable to mopeds. Because of this, they belong on the roadway or cycle paths that allow mopeds.

There are a variety of bikeways in Helsinki: 

Bikeway markings and the signs placed along them tell you what type of bikeway you are on. 

You can see the routes suitable for bicycles in the Helsinki Region Transport (HSL) Journey Planner.(Link leads to external service)   Simply choose Bike as the mode of transport in the settings. You can also see the cycling routes on Google Maps by choosing Bike under Directions.