Nature conservation and biodiversity

The City of Helsinki protects its valuable nature by safeguarding biodiversity and establishing nature reserves and other protected sites.
Kääpiä lahopuulla
Photo: Raisa Ranta

The City of Helsinki promotes biodiversity

The City of Helsinki approved its latest Biodiversity Action Plan (LUMO programme) in 2021. This action plan includes 95 measures. You can follow their progress on the LUMO-vahti website, which is a tool for monitoring the implementation of the action plan (currently only available in Finnish).

Read more about the City of Helsinki Biodiversity Action Plan 2021-2028(Link leads to external service) .

Go to the LUMO-vahti website (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)


Nature conservation

Nature conservation efforts are based on the Finnish Nature Conservation Act, and their aim is to maintain biodiversity. The methods of conserving nature include placing nature reserves and natural monuments under a protection order and protecting natural habitats and species.

The Helsinki City Strategy 2021—2025 provides that the City of Helsinki will establish five new nature reserves in Helsinki per year. In 2022, the nature reserves in Helsinki covered approximately 1,400 hectares, of which one third consisted of water.

Helsinki has four Natura areas that are part of the European Union’s Natura 2000 network of protected areas. Additionally, Helsinki is home to protected natural habitats, defined in the Nature Conservation Act. They can be divided into three main groups: forest habitat types, shore habitat types and natural heritage types.

The City of Helsinki Nature Conservation Programme 2015–2024 (pdf, in Finnish) guides the city’s nature conservation efforts and the establishment of nature reserves. 

Read more about Helsinki’s nature reserves

Read more about Helsinki’s natural monuments

Open a map of the protected sites in Helsinki(Link leads to external service)


Nature Information System

Through the Nature Information System, you can explore the biodiverse nature in Helsinki on a map. The key nature data available covers nature reserves, important flora areas and important bird areas, among other things.

Read more about the Nature Information System

Open the Nature Information System in the Helsinki Map Service(Link leads to external service)

Invasive alien species 

Invasive alien species are species that are not originally part of a habitat and that have been introduced to a habitat by mankind either intentionally or unintentionally. We prevent the spreading of detrimental plant and animal species through different means. 

Read more about alien species and prevention