Environmental education concerning traffic in Helsinki
Children and young people concerned about climate change often want to influence and act for the benefit of the environment and the climate.
We arrange fun and functional workshops around environmental education concerning traffic: Kulkuri activities for 1st and 2nd graders and Ilmari activities for secondary schools. In the workshops, we activate schoolchildren with a positive approach to thinking and acting in a climate and environmentally responsible manner in their transport choices. We also aim to have a wider impact on the transport habits of the whole family.
School and hobby travel
School and hobby travel is important not only from the point of view of the environment, but also from the point of view of the health of children and young people. The recommended amount of physical activity for children is 1–2 hours a day, but only about one third of comprehensive school-age children are sufficiently active.
There are four good reasons to encourage children and young people to travel from place to place using muscle power:
- Walking, cycling, and scooter riding, for example, help you stay healthy
- Exercise stimulates the mind and helps focus
- Fitness improves and so does stamina
- Emissions are reduced!
Kulkuri’s visits for 1st and 2nd graders
Kulkuri workshops consist of a cycling skill course and a learning game. The goal of the Cycling Skill Course is to learn the important skills and rules of cycling together, without forgetting the fun. The game is played on the Seppo mobile platform. In the game, the schoolchildren get to think about different ways of mobility and their effect on the environment.
For teachers and educators
Here you will find materials for the Kulkuri, ambassador of sustainable mobility activities for free use by teachers and educators.
Fun colouring pictures with themes of sustainable mobility.
Tips for moving sustainably
Sustainable mobility is wonderful when you really understand it. Below are some easy tips on how to make sustainable mobility choices in your everyday life.
It is a good idea to choose the mode of transport to the destination according to the situation, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of the alternatives. The decisive factors may be, for example, the distance of the journey, weather conditions and the need to transport goods and people. Walking and cycling are environmentally friendly and health-promoting mobility choices. Did you know that in the city, for short distances, the bicycle is also the fastest way to travel?
It is not always a good idea to complete the entire journey with one mode of transport. Instead, you can combine walking, cycling or public transport. By leaving your car at a park and ride car park, you avoid traffic jams in the city and the need to hunt for a parking space. Combining cycling and walking during a trip adds important daily exercise to the day.
If you need to use your own car to get around, it is a good idea to offer a ride to other people going in the same destination at the same time. Parents' time is saved when children are transported over a longer distance for their hobbies by carpooling. You can also offer a ride for longer distances in different carpooling groups on social media.
It is a good idea to plan your own and your family's travel in such a way that you try to combine several tasks that require travelling by car on the same route. For example, it is better to drop by the store or gym when heading home from work or school, rather than leaving from home by car again in the evening.
Smart movers may also choose not to make a trip and take advantage of remote work opportunities and remote meetings, for example!
Contact Kulkuri
The activities of Kulkuri, ambassador of sustainable mobility, are organised by the City of Helsinki’s Environmental Services. Would you like Kulkuri to visit your school?
Ask for more information:
Kirsikka Nevalainen
environmental expert
kirsikka.nevalainen@hel.fi (Link opens default mail program)
tel. 09 310 23 835