Planning and building goals

The urban planning and construction in Helsinki are guided by the various goals and principles of planning and land use.

Puita, nurmikkoa ja kerrostaloja auringonpaisteessa.
Image: Roni Rekomaa
Rakenteilla olevaa Kalasatamaa kuvattuna yläilmoista.
Photo: Jussi Hellsten

Creating sustainable and livable environments through land use planning

Through land use and other planning initiatives, we promote various aspects including adequate housing production, smooth traffic flow, business opportunities, accessible services and the economical use of natural resources.  

We aim to promote an energy-efficient urban structure and ensure that we do not permit construction in our most valuable natural areas. Alongside other planning, we develop recreational areas and services, ecological networks and nature reserves. We also promote a socially sustainable city, where we aim to halt residential segregation through active urban renewal.