On 5 March 2024, the Urban Environment Committee approved the draft local plan for Viikinranta−Lahdenväylä, according to which Viikinranta will be planned to be an inner-city-like, multifaceted neighbourhood connecting Arabianranta and Viikki. It offers attractive living next to the Viikki nature reserve and creates more jobs in a regenerating area. The residential area in the plan supports the creation of services and also improves the service provision of the surrounding areas.

Viikki-Malmi light rail
The main public transport line in the planning area is the Viikki−Malmi light rail Viima. It serves as the main public transport connection to the city centre for the entire northeastern Helsinki, enabling urban development based on rail traffic in, for example, the Malmi Airport area. In addition, Viima serves the needs of new housing and workplaces along the line. The Urban Environment Committee approved the master plan for the express tramway on 10.12.2024.
In the local plan, the Viikki−Malmi light rail line is aligned along the Lahdenväylä fairway. In Viikinranta, the light rail stop is located on the north-east side of the Hernepellontie underpass. In the plan, the stop is surrounded by the centre of the area with a square and commercial services. The central square provides smooth pedestrian connections to the surrounding inner city structure, making it easy and attractive to use public transport for as many residents as possible.
Planning focuses on green spaces
The local plan area is connected to the Natura areas by Vanhankaupunginlahti bay and Vantaanjoki river. The plan ensures the preservation of these natural values by keeping construction at a sufficient distance and mainly on already built areas.
In addition to protected areas, there are also park areas designed for recreation. The goal is for the green areas to form a balanced entity that takes into account both the recreational needs of residents and the requirements of nature conservation. In the future, Viikinranta will be a good living environment for everyone – from two-legged to eight-legged creatures.

Distinctive neighbourhoods
The area’s block structure is in line with the current street network, which allows the area’s building stock to be flexibly renewed even in smaller entities. Viikintie will remain in its current location. Parking is concentrated in car parks.

Viikinranta residential blocks continue the block structure in Vanhankaupunginkoski. The wooden park connection following Pornaistenniemenoja strengthens the green connection between the Natura areas. The Baana cycle connection from the city centre to Viikki runs on the outskirts of the area.
The Pornaistenniemi area is designed from the point of view of nature conservation and recreation to complement the recreational entity of Vanhankaupunginkoski.

The plan includes a fortress-like block structure in Viikinkallio, with spectacular views being the main attraction. The accessibility of the light rail stop is ensured by a pedestrian bridge over Hernepellontie and Sahamyllynrinne.

Housing and the area’s school centre with sports fields are planned for the Säynäslahti area. The urban structure is interwoven with the natural environment at the southeastern end of the area. Due to soil conditions, construction is focused on the western parts of the area.
The business premises block zoned on the outskirts of the Koskela neighbourhood is planned to be converted for residential use. The removal of the loop ramp with low traffic has already been included in the current local detailed plan.
A more urban Lahdenväylä
Lahdenväylä serves especially long-distance public and freight traffic. The road is part of the national main road network, and it is important to maintain its functionality. This is the fairway’s approach section to the city and the city’s street network. The planning of the road section reconciles the traffic needs of the fairway with the need to reduce disturbances in the surrounding urban areas.
According to a preliminary study of Lahdenväylä, prepared in parallel with the local plan, the speed limit of the road can be lowered to 80 km/h, and a further study will examine the possibility for a 60 km/h speed level. However, the road remains motorway-like and no new junctions are planned.
Preparing for the needs of water and energy supply
The plan area has an abundant municipal water and energy supply infrastructure, the operating prerequisites and development of which will be ensured.
The future needs of the Viikinmäki wastewater treatment plant will be considered. The main grid’s underground cable connection will be implemented at the Viikki substation, the Energy Block, which is part of the broader energy supply entity for the entire city. A new tram depot is planned for the Kumpulankärki block. Local detailed plans have been drawn up for the Kumpulankärki and Energy Block areas during the preparation of this local plan. The solutions in the local plan are in line with existing local detailed plans.
As the local plan area is built, its current function as a small industrial area will end. Entrepreneurial activities can be located partly in the block city’s brick-and-mortar premises and partly in the business areas assigned along Lahdenväylä. As the region’s population grows, new opportunities are opening up for business, especially in the service sector.
You can also find this page at hel.fi/viikinranta-lahdenvayla-area.