Helsinki is introducing new vaccination points at the beginning of the year

In an effort to expedite coronavirus vaccinations, Helsinki is increasing its number of vaccination points. A fifth vaccination point opens in Messukeskus on 3 J
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In an effort to expedite coronavirus vaccinations, Helsinki is increasing its number of vaccination points. A fifth vaccination point opens in Messukeskus on 3 January. At the same time, vaccination points for seniors open at Laakso Hospital and Kustaankartano Senior Centre. The opening hours of the vaccination points are also expanded at the beginning of the year.

Messukeskus opens a vaccination point and Saturday becomes a vaccination day

Helsinki’s fifth vaccination point opens in Messukeskus on Monday 3 January. The Messukeskus vaccination point is open Mon–Thu 8:15–20:00, Fri 8:15–16:00 and Sat 9:15–17:00. The Messukeskus vaccination point will be open on Twelfth Night (6 January). Vaccinations will also be administered at Haaga, Oulunkylä and Pihlajamäki Health Stations on Twelfth Night
by appointment.

From the beginning of the year, the Jätkäsaari, Kannelmäki, Malmi and Myllypuro vaccination points will be open on weekdays as follows: Mon, Wed and Fri 8:15–16:00 and Tue and Thu 8:15–18:00.

“We will provide more vaccination appointments at the vaccination points as we receive more vaccinators. Having private occupational health care service providers involved in the vaccinations increases vaccination appointments among working-age people, and we welcome the help,” comments Medical Director of Health Stations Mari

Vaccination points for seniors at Laakso Hospital and Kustaankartano

Vaccination points for people aged 60 and over open on Monday 3 January at Laakso Hospital (Lääkärinkatu 8, building 4) and Kustaankartano Senior Centre (Oltermannintie 32, K hall). First, second and third doses of the vaccine are administered at Kustaankartano and Laakso Hospital by appointment.

The Kustaankartano vaccination point is open Mon–Fri 12:00–18:00, while the Laakso Hospital point is open Mon–Thu 15:00–19:00 and Fri 15:00–18:00.

“It is important that we secure vaccinations for seniors, as they have a greater risk of contracting a severe case of COVID-19,” says Helsinki City Hospital’s Medical Director Laura

Appointments provided online or by calling the appointment booking service

First and second vaccinations are administered to people aged 12 and over without an appointment directly at the vaccination points. An appointment must be made for a third dose. You can make a vaccination appointment online at leads to external service) or by calling the service number 09 310 46300.The service line is open on weekdays at 8:00-16:00.

The City’s website now features

a table
that shows which groups are currently being vaccinated, what is the minimum time between the second and third dose of the vaccine for each group, and whether getting vaccinated requires making an appointment.

Further information

News updated 4 January: Vaccinations will also be administered at Oulunkylä and Pihlajamäki Health Stations on Twelfth Night by appointment.

Kuva: Virpi Velin