Join us

Our mission is to promote the well-being, health, and safety of Helsinki residents through strong expertise and collaboration. We are one of the largest providers of health, social and rescue services in Finland.

Find out what the City of Helsinki Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division is like as an employer.

Sosiaali-, terveys- ja pelastusalan työntekijöitä.

Working in the Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division

As one of the largest providers of health, social and rescue services in Finland, we employ over 15,000 professionals dedicated to genuine actions and interactions. Together, we are building a better city where everyone can lead a good life.

As professionals in health and social services, we are here to support the people of Helsinki throughout their different life stages, from expectant mothers to children, youth, adults, families, and seniors. Our goal is to offer high-quality services that promote well-being and health and make a meaningful difference in people’s lives.

At the Rescue Department, we engage in meaningful work by providing safety and assistance during times of distress. We serve the capital city by preventing accidents, rescuing people, property, and the environment, and protecting and guiding the public during emergencies and exceptional situations.

We are committed to providing our employees with a first-rate experience and to ensuring their well-being and job satisfaction. According to our staff, our strengths include diverse work tasks, a positive working atmosphere, and ample opportunities for continuous learning and personal development. By supporting leadership initiatives, we promote the success of each of our employees in their work.


Read more about our organisation and services

Helsingin kaupungin työntekijöitä.
Photo: Sara Lehtomaa

What kind of employees are we looking for?

The jobs we offer typically require you to have a qualification in the field of healthcare and social welfare. In addition, you need professional practice rights, which are granted by the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira).

As the safety of our clients and patients and ensuring a positive client experience are of utmost importance to us, you also need to be proficient in Finnish, have good interpersonal skills, be responsible and have the vaccinations required by the Finnish Communicable Diseases Act.

See our open positions

Summer jobs in 2025 for the City of Helsinki's Social Services, Health Care and Rescue  Services Division

Every year, we employ hundreds of summer workers in the Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division. Spend the summer of your life, become a colleague with us!

Find out more about summer job opportunities (in Finnish)

Photo: Sami Lamberg / Kapina Oy

Contact recruitment

Once you have found a job that interests you, you can contact the persons mentioned in the job advertisement for additional information. You can also contact our recruitment consultants:

Call +358 9 310 42300(Link starts a phone call)

Telephone service hours: Mon–Fri from 9.00–12.00

Send email to opens default mail program) If you would like to enquire about job opportunities for doctors, you can send email to opens default mail program).

Lääkäreitä Vuosaaren terveys- ja hyvinvointikeskuksessa
Photo: Virpi Velin
Photo: Jussi Hellsten

Have you just relocated to Helsinki?

Would you like to read more about what it is like to work and live in Helsinki? The website compiles information that can be useful to you when moving to Helsinki.

Go to the website(Link leads to external service)