Influenza vaccinations of Helsinki residents will continue at vaccination points in December

News about influenza vaccinations in Helsinki in December.
Rokottaja rokottaa naista rokotuspisteellä.

Due to its high popularity, influenza vaccinations of at-risk groups and their close contacts will continue at vaccination points throughout December. Vaccinations can only be made by appointment. The fastest way to make a vaccination appointment is at leads to external service). You can also book an appointment by phone 09 310 46300 (Mon-Fri 8:00-16:00).

Influenza vaccinations began on 1 November at vaccination points in Jätkäsaari, Malmi, Kannelmäki and Myllypuro. From 29 November onwards, vaccinations will be given on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8.15-16:00 and Tuesday and Thursday from 8.15-18:00. Arrive on time for your vaccination. The vaccination points do not have separate waiting areas.

- It's great to see that many people want to take the influenza vaccine. Influenza and COVID-19 infections can be acquired at the same time and this increases the risk of severe illness. This is why it's very important to get vaccinated. Influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations can also be taken at the same time, if it's relevant to boost the corona vaccine, says Medical Director of Health Stations Timo Lukkarinen.

The third dose of the COVID-19 vaccination can be given at the same time as the influenza vaccination if at least six months have elapsed since the second dose of COVID-19 vaccination was received and that the individual belongs to one of the groups now being

for the third dose. In this case, there is no need to set aside a separate time for the COVID-19 vaccination. The influenza vaccination appointment is enough.

- We continue to give influenza vaccines at the corona vaccination points that are familiar to the Helsinki residents. The incresed demand for treatment and treating patients with infections put a strain on the health stations, so all the resources at the health stations are put into these. This is why influenza vaccines are not given at the health stations this season, Lukkarinen says.

Unfortunately, the high popularity of vaccinations has caused a delay in the telephone appointment booking service.

- The call-back takes about two weekdays at the moment. We are sorry for this. However, all calls will be returned eventually and all those who want the vaccine will receive it. We hope that vaccination appointments could be booked electronically, if possible, Lukkarinen states.

Influenza vaccinations are free of charge to the
following groups:

  • those who are pregnant
  • children under the age of 7-years-old (6 months–6 years)
  • those in at-risk groups due to an illness
  • those over 65-years-old
  • those entering mandatory or voluntary military service
  • social and health care and pharmaceutical staff involved in the immediate care or treatment of patients and clients
  • close friends and loved ones of people particularly susceptible to severe influenza.

Close friends and relatives of people susceptible to severe influenza include people who live in the same apartment or have weekly face-to-face contact with a person who is particularly susceptible to severe influenza. Close friends and relatives also include people who live in the same apartment or have weekly face-to-face contact with a person who is particularly susceptible to severe influenza who cannot be vaccinated against influenza.

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Picture: Virpi Velin