Mailing of coronavirus vaccine bulletins to 70–74-year-olds has been interrupted for now

The City of Helsinki started mailing bulletins on 8 March to those 70–74-year-olds who were in line to get coronavirus vaccines.
Nainen lukee rokotuspisteellä kirjettä ja hoitaja istuu vieressä.

The City of Helsinki started mailing bulletins on 8 March to those 70–74-year-olds who are in line to get coronavirus vaccines. The delivery of the bulletins has been interrupted for now because of an error in the address details. The name and address details have not matched in a small number of bulletins.

The bulletins do not contain any personal data. They only contain general information about the coronavirus vaccine, appointment booking for the vaccine and vaccination points. The content of the bulletin is the same for all recipients.

– We apologize for the inconvenience. We are looking into the issue right now to map out the extent of it, says Leena
Turpeinen, Director of Health and substance abuse services.

– Mailing of the bulletin is delayed because of this, but it will be sent to all 70–74-year-old Helsinkians, continues Turpeinen.

Regardless the issue with the addresses the rest of the content in the bulletin is correct and those in line for the vaccine can follow the given instructions. 

The appointment booking for 70–74-year-olds opened on Tuesday 16 March. They can make an appointment booking normally either online at or by calling 09 310 46300 on weekdays 8–18.

bulletin that is sent to everyone can also be read at

A similar bulletin has earlier been sent to those who are 85 years old or older, 80–84-year-old and 75–79-year-old. For those groups the address information on the bulletins has been correct and the bulletin has been delivered without any issues.

More information about the coronavirus vaccine can be read at

Picture: Virpi Velin