New COVID-19 vaccination round to be launched for risk groups

A new round of COVID-19 vaccinations for people belonging to risk groups will be launched at the Helsinki vaccination points on 31 October 2022. Book a vaccination appointment at or in the Maisa application. You can also book an appointment by calling 09 310 46300 on weekdays at 8:00–16:00. The appointment booking will open on 24 October.
Ikääntynyt nainen saa koronarokotuksen Jätkäsaaren rokotuspisteessä.

“We are now launching a new vaccination round for risk groups in accordance with THL’s recommendations. This is a targeted booster dose to maintain risk groups' protection against severe coronavirus disease. If possible, you should take the booster vaccine at the same time as the influenza vaccine,” says Timo Lukkarinen, Medical Director of Health Stations.

The booster vaccine will be administered to

•    people aged 65 and older
•    people at risk aged 18 and older
•    people aged 12 and older suffering from severe immunodeficiency
•    people aged 18–59 who have not yet received the recommended three doses
•    people aged 60–64 who have not yet received the recommended four doses

The booster dose can be administered to people aged 65 and older, at risk and suffering from immunodeficiency when at least three months have passed since the previous dose or recovery from COVID-19. As regards the other groups, vaccination will continue according to the previous recommendations.

In hospitals and care units, the new vaccination round has already started in week 42.

The booster doses are Comirnaty Omicron BA.1(Link leads to external service) (information in Finnish) and Comirnaty Omicron BA.4–5 vaccines(Link leads to external service)(information in Finnish).

If you have not had one of the previous COVID-19 doses, you can have it at the vaccination point during the autumn.

Influenza and COVID-19 vaccine at the same time

The aim is to offer the COVID-19 and influenza vaccine at the same time, where possible. In this case, you only need to book one vaccination appointment in the Maisa service. You do not need two vaccination appointments. Influenza vaccinations will also start on 31 October, and further information will be provided in the next few days.

Picture: Virpi Velin