The second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine to be given to children and young people aged 12–15 at schools

News about second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine for children and young people aged 12–15.
Koululainen, joka kirjoittaa kynällä.

In Helsinki, 12 to 15-year-olds will receive a second dose of the
COVID-19 vaccine at schools starting on 23 September. 12 to 15-year-olds may
also get the second dose of the vaccine at vaccination points or pop-up
vaccination points.

The vaccination is offered at schools to all 12 to 15-year-olds regardless of their municipality of residence. The vaccinations will start at different times at different schools, and the school-specific schedule has been announced in the Wilma system.

10,700 children and young people aged 12–15 received their first dose of the vaccine at schools in August. Vaccine coverage for 12 to 15-year-olds for the first dose is 73% in Helsinki.

If the pupil received the first dose at a vaccination point, they can receive the second dose at school if the vaccinations are at least six weeks apart.

“It is only after the second dose that the protective efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine reaches an excellent level. For this reason, we hope that as many children and young people as possible will have the second dose of the vaccine. The protection given by the vaccine will ensure that they can continue in contact teaching and participate in events that are important to them,” says Medical Director Timo

Pupils also have the opportunity to receive the first dose of the vaccine now if they have not yet received it.

“If a pupil has been thinking about getting the vaccine, it is now easy to get it at school. Even those who have turned 12 since the previous round can get a vaccination at school,” Carpén adds.

12 to 15-year-olds can also get the vaccination at vaccination points without an appointment. If a guardian wants to accompany a child, the vaccination will be given at a vaccination point. You can also book a vaccination appointment at leads to external service) or on 09 310 46300 (Mon–Fri 8:00–18:00). A guardian can also make an appointment for a minor.

Information on all vaccination points and pop-up vaccination points can be found at

Children and young people are vaccinated with Pfizer's and Moderna's vaccines. More information about the vaccines on THL's webpages(Link leads to external service).

12 to 15-year-olds may decide on their vaccination if the health care professional administering the vaccine determines that they are able to make the decision on the basis of their age and developmental status. If the young person is not willing or able to decide on their own vaccination, the consent of the guardians is required for the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine. Consent is given with this form(Link leads to external service).

More information:
Vaccinations for children and young people –

Coronavirus vaccinations for children and young people(Link leads to external service)

Picture: Pexels