Town house plots, Mellunkylä, price competition

The City of Helsinki is selling town house plots in Mellunmäki in the power plant area (AO) 47296/1–14 (Group 1), 47299/2–9 (Group 2), 47306/1–8, and on Lallukantie (AO-1) 47293/1–8, through a price competition. The plots are sold in groups (four groups) to the highest bidder under the terms listed in the call for purchase offers. Purchase offers can be submitted for one or several groups.

Read more about the competition in the call for purchase offers. The price competition is held on the website in accordance with the website’s rules, practices and instructions.

The detailed terms and information of the competition can be found in the call for purchase offers.

Any clarifications and corrections to the call for purchase offers or extension of the period for submitting purchase offers during the competition will only be published on this website.

Any clarifying questions regarding the call for purchase offers and its objects must be sent by email by (Mon) 17 June 2024 at 16.00 to opens default mail program) (The link opens your default email client).

Answers to questions sent within the defined time period will be published on this website. The aim is to publish the answers no later than (Thu) 20 June 2024.

You can take part in the price competition held on the website on (Thu) 29 August 2024 by the deadline set for each plot group.

Links to

47296/1-14(Link leads to external service)

47299/2-9(Link leads to external service)

47306/1-8(Link leads to external service)

47293/1-8(Link leads to external service)

Please submit a report on your general eligibility requirements and prevention of the grey economy by (Thu) 12 September 2024 at 12.00 to the City of Helsinki Urban Environment Division customer service information desk. Write ‘Kaupunkipientalotontit, Mellunkylä, hintakilpailu’ on the envelope and address it to the City of Helsinki Urban Environment Committee.

Visiting address:

City of Helsinki Urban Environment Division customer service (information desk)

Työpajankatu 8, 1st floor, 00580 Helsinki (opening hours Mon–Fri 8.00–16.00)
