The deceased are brought to Malmi mortuary building to wait for burial or cremation. Helsinki has a shortage of sufficient cold storage, and over the next decade, about 120 more storage places will be lost, for example from senior centres. In addition, due to the growing and ageing population, the number of deaths is increasing. Furthermore, not all current premises allow for appropriate farewells and preparations, which are important for those left behind.
The centralised mortuary will have places for 300 bodies and several farewell rooms. In the farewell rooms, relatives can dress and prepare the deceased, and some rooms also offer an opportunity for relatives to wash the deceased. The mortuary will not be a building of any religion.
The new building will be located in the immediate vicinity of Malmi Cemetery on Malmin Kalmistotie road.
Construction to begin in May 2024
Construction work will begin in the spring 2024. The aim is to have the premises ready for use in June 2026. More information on the schedules of the construction work and the impact on access to the area will be provided later once the plans have been clarified.
Illustration: Verstas Arkkitehdit Oy
Contact person
Kirsi Virtanen
Project Manager
Urban Environment Division
Buildings and Public Areas
+358 9 310 200 36
kirsi.m.virtanen2@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program)