Complementing the urban structure of Marjaniemi, Puotila and Vartioharju, Puotilanranta is located close to the versatile services of Itäkeskus. The new area is to include efficient and diverse apartment buildings, an artificial island and a new boat harbour.
Puotilanranta gets a lush waterfront park and practical walking and cycling paths. The Puotilanranta section from the Vuosaari bridge to Marjaniemi completes the coastal route around Vartiokylänlahti.
New boat harbour and other services
The Puotila marina currently has approximately 600 berths. A new, smaller marina is planned in conjunction with the new waterfront park in the southern part of the Puotilanranta residential area. The area at the tip of Koivuniemi will remain a marina area. Expanding the Vuosaarenlahti marina in the east will also create new berths.
The plan includes a daycare centre for 180 children in connection with the residential blocks, with space also reserved for brick-and-mortar business premises, parking facilities and a grocery store.
One of the Puotilanranta residential blocks is to be built in an area covered by water and connected to the mainland by bridges.
Construction in the area is estimated to begin no earlier than towards the end of the decade.

Start of work
Planning starts in 2022 with a City initiative.
Compilation of the OAS
The participation and evaluation plan (OAS) will specify the reason why the detailed plan is drawn up, how the planning proceeds and opportunities to have a say on the plan.
Puotilanranta’s participation and evaluation plan (OAS) and other materials were made available to the public in May/June 2022. Open-for-all walks around the area were organized in June 2022. Dedicated event for Puotila marina’s entrepreneurs was organized as well. Citizens had the opportunity to express opinions on the plan.
Completion of the draft
Puotilanranta plan draft is made available to the public in February/March 2023. Online event to present the draft to the residents will be held in March 2023. Citizens have the opportunity to express opinions on the draft. Presentation to the Urban Environment Committee in May 2023.
Completion of the proposal
Puotilanranta’s plan proposal will be made available to the public in autumn 2024. Opportunity to enter objections to the proposal. Requests for official statements. Presentation to the Urban Environment Committee in autumn 2024. Plan proposal after review based on the feedback, 2025. After the Urban Environment Committee, the plan is discussed by the City Board and approved by the City Council.