A new light rail line from the city centre to Kannelmäki is being planned for western Helsinki. The new light rail line 14 will run along Mannerheimintie and on via Meilahti, Munkkiniemi, Haaga and Lassila to Kannelmäki in the early 2030's. The terminus of the light rail line will be located on Kantelettarentie, north of Ring I. The line will have connections to the light rail line 15 in the Haaga roundabout and commuter trains at Valimo and Pohjois-Haaga stations. The route connects traffic hubs and residential and office areas as well as extend rail services to new areas. The light rail line is an integral part of the larger urban development project in the area, which extends dense urban fabric alond the corridor of Huopalahdentie and Vihdintie. The track, street and other infrastructure will be implemented in an integrated project during the current decade.
In addition to the light rail line, new tram lines will be established in the western inner city on Fredrikinkatu and Topeliuksenkatu. The rail lines will complete the rail network in the inner city and allow for the substitution of bus services by rail services. This is in line with the City's strategic goal of shifting public transport towards emission-free, high-quality and accessible rail traffic.
The City Council decided on the implementation of the project on 20 January 2021, a link to the decision of the City Council(Link leads to external service). On 9 January 2024, the Urban Environment Committee approved a project plan setting guidelines for the project's implementation. During 2024 tendering will be carried out to select planners and builders for carrying out the project in close partnership. Key values for the project are respectful communication, supporting sustainable urban development, creating lively and functional urban spaces and successful project management. In the next phases, the project will continue with implementation planning, which will include the preparation of street plans and other plans required for construction. The construction phase is expected to start in 2026, and the project’s estimated year of completion is 2030–2031.
Western Boulevard City
More information about the project
Anton Silvo, Project Director
You can also find this page at hel.fi/westhelsinkilightrail.