After-school activities / Månsas Primary School, Folkhälsan Syd Ab

This location provides activities in Swedish.

Contact information

Haavikkotie 5, 00630 Helsinki Show accessibility information View location on service map

Valid for the time being:
- Mon-Fri 12.00-17.00



Haavikkotie 5, 00630 Helsinki
Location on map - Open larger map(Link leads to external service)

The route to the main entrance

  • The route to the entrance is guided, smooth and sufficiently wide and illuminated.

The entrance "alternative entrance"

  • The entrance is hard to perceive but illuminated
  • In connection with the entrance, there is 1 step.
  • The doors connected to the entrance are hard to perceive. The door is heavy or otherwise hard to open.
  • The entrance has thresholds over 2 cm high.
  • The foyer is cramped.

In the facility

  • The customer service point is located on the entrance floor.
  • The facility has thresholds over 2 cm high.
  • The doors in the facility are hard to perceive.