Etu-Töölö Upper Secondary School is a non-graded upper secondary school in central Helsinki, the capital of Finland. We are a an academic-orientated school with about 600 students aged 16-19 with a focus on entrepreneurship and cultural knowledge.
We emphasize the active role of the students in acquiring, processing and applying information because we believe that one of our most important objectives is to make our students form a structured view of the world.
We teach our students to find answers to wh-questions (what, where, why and when), taking advantage of the possibilities of information technology, information networks, web based learning platforms as well as methods of problem based learning.
With our active student body, dedicated tutor students and with our extensive student counselling system, we encourage our students to have a very strong sense of community and become responsible members of society. We also have partner schools abroad involving co operative projects and school visits and student exchange programs.