Finnish as a second language instruction at general upper secondary school

At general upper secondary school, you can study Finnish and literature (äidinkieli ja kirjallisuus) based on the Finnish as a second language and literature (suomi toisena kielenä ja kirjallisuus) syllabus if your native language is not Finnish, Swedish or Sami.

At general upper secondary school, you can study Finnish and literature (äidinkieli ja kirjallisuus) based on the Finnish as a second language and literature (suomi toisena kielenä ja kirjallisuus) syllabus if your native language is not Finnish, Swedish or Sami.

You can study Finnish as a second language (S2), if you find one or more of the following things difficult to do in Finnish:
- speaking
- reading
- writing
- listening

S2 instruction will prepare you to study and work in Finnish in the future.