Playground Mäkitorppa

leikkipuisto Mäkitorppa

Contact information

Mäkitorpantie 42, 00640 Helsinki Show accessibility information View location on service map

Valid for the time being:
– Mon-Fri 9.00-16.00
– Sat-Sun closed
Date period: From Aug. 7, 2025
– Mon-Fri 12.00-17.00

P.O. Box 64943, 00099 City of Helsinki


Mäkitorpantie 42, 00640 Helsinki
Location on map - Open larger map(Link leads to external service)

The route to the playground area

  • The accessible parking space is located in the parking area under 10 m from the playground. The width of the parking space is less than 3.6 m.
  • The pick-up and drop-off area is located under 5 m from the playground.
  • A smooth and sufficiently wide tiled route leads to the playground. The route is illuminated.

Playground area

  • The playground is surrounded by a metal fence. Inside the fence there are asphalt-surfaced walkways. The entire play area is illuminated.
  • The playground has an information board that can be accessed by a wheelchair. The information board can also be looked at up close. The board has a map and tactile map of the area.
  • The playground has tables and benches with free space at the end for a wheelchair or stroller.
  • The playground has swings, a slide, a sandbox, a canopy, a climbing frame, a bicycle roundabout, a ball wall, a wading pool.
  • The swings: The swings are situated at the edge of the area. There is a bench for an adult near the swings. A wet pour rubber safety surface has been installed under the swings. The play area also has a safety swing for a small child, a saucer swing.
  • The slide: There is space for a wheelchair around the slide and a bench for an adult nearby. A wet pour rubber safety surface has been installed under the slide. The slide can be accessed via the stairs, a net.
  • The sandbox: The edge of the sandbox is too low for wheelchair access. The sandbox features a plank that children can use to reach the sand when lying down on their stomachs. On the edge of the sandbox, there is a sand table with safety sand underneath. There is a bench for an adult nearby.
  • The canopy: The entrance to the canopy is wide enough to accommodate a wheelchair. There are tables and benches under the canopy.
  • The climbing frame: Safety sand has been installed under the climbing frame.
  • The bicycle roundabout: The bicycle roundabout is situated at the edge of the area. A wet pour rubber safety surface has been installed under the bicycle roundabout. There is a bench for an adult nearby.
  • The ball wall: The surface in front of the wall is compacted sand.
  • The raised edge of the wading pool makes it wheelchair accessible, however the edge is uncomfortably high. The bottom of the wading pool is smooth. There is a bench for an adult nearby.


  • Pienten lasten puolella olevassa liukumäessä mahdollisuus kiivetä liukumäkeen verkon avulla.