Religion education at general upper secondary school

At the City of Helsinki's general upper secondary schools, you can study the following religions:
- Evangelical Lutheran (evankelis-luterilainen uskonto)
- Orthodox (ortodoksinen uskonto)
- Catholicism (katolinen uskonto)
- Islam (islam)
- Judaism (juutalainen uskonto)
- Buddhism (buddhalainen uskonto).

You can also take part in religious education provided by another registered religious community. This will be registered as part of your compulsory general upper secondary course programme. You must be a member of that registered religious community. Discuss and come to an agreement on the matter with your school in advance.

If you are not part of a religious community, you will be taught Ethics (elämänkatsomustieto) instead of Religion. If you are part of a religious community but do not take part in religious instruction at school, you will be taught Ethics.