Vocational education and training

Vocational education and training prepares you to become a professional on the job market. Vocational education is suitable for people of all ages, and you can apply flexibly, throughout the year.

In vocational education and training, you can complete a vocational upper secondary qualification, further vocational qualification, specialist vocational qualification or a part of a qualification, as well as short training courses and further education. Studies can be carried out alongside work, in the form of apprenticeship training, as labour market training or personnel training.

A personal competence development plan (PCDP) is prepared for each student. The plan takes into account the previously acquired competence of the student and details what kind of competence the student needs and how it is acquired in different learning environments. Competence is demonstrated through real working life production and service tasks.

The City of Helsinki organises vocational education and training at Helsinki Vocational College and Adult Institute. Vocational education and training is also organised at private vocational institutions.

Vocational education and training advisory services, service channels

Vocational education and training advice is available via chat, e-mail and phone.

Ask in the chat

Helsinki Vocational College and Adult Institute, chatbot service

Choose a topic that interests you in the chatbot. The chatbot will show you where to find more information about the topic. You can ask the chatbot a question or chat about applying and studying with one of our specialists at the admission office.

Open every day

Call us

Helsinki Vocational College and Adult Institute Admissions Office, advisory services by phone

Open Mon-Fri 10-14
Call charge: standard telephone charges apply

Service points

14 service points

Helsinki Vocational College, Abraham Wetterin tie unit

Address: Abraham Wetterin tie 4, 00880 Helsinki

Helsinki Vocational College, Hattulantie unit

Address: Hattulantie 2, 00550 Helsinki
Kolme ajoneuvoalan opiskelijaa tutkii autoa.

Helsinki Vocational College, Ilkantie unit

Address: Ilkantie 3, 00400 Helsinki

Helsinki Vocational College, Kullervonkatu unit

Address: Kullervonkatu 11, 00610 Helsinki

Helsinki Vocational College, Meritalo unit

Address: Haapaniemenkatu 7-9, 00530 Helsinki
Opiskelijoita äänistysstudiossa

Helsinki Vocational College, Muotoilijankatu unit

Address: Muotoilijankatu 3, 00560 Helsinki
Rakennusalan opiskelijoita työnsä ääressä

Helsinki Vocational College, Myllypuro unit

Address: Runokylänkatu 2, 00920 Helsinki
Tarjoilijaopiskelija kaataa vettä lasiin

Helsinki Vocational College, Prinsessantie unit

Address: Prinsessantie 2, 00820 Helsinki